


The Study of Preschool Teacher Deal with Separation Anxiety for Early Childhood at First Enter School




楊惠卿(Hui-Ching Yang);蔡順良(Shung-Liang Tsai)


幼教老師 ; 分離焦慮 ; 焦點訪談 ; preschool teacher ; separation anxiety ; focus interview




20期(2005 / 05 / 01)


129 - 157






The purpose of this study was to explore the separation anxiety phenomena and reaction for early children who first enter school. By using focus interview method we interview seven preschool teachers. Through this approach, we attempt to realize how children coping with the anxiety and how teachers Adopts their strategy. The findings divide into the phenomenon part and the application part. The former demonstrated what kind of children is easy to suffer from the separation anxious, and their mood 'behavior' intensity about separation anxious, and the time easy to infect separation anxious. The latter demonstrated effectively methods that preschool teacher frequently adopts to comfort children with separation anxious. Finally, we proposed their solutions for preschool administration system as well as suggestions for parents. We hope this research will be valuable for future plans related to new teachers' or in-service teacher's professional training programs, and kindergarten's unit and guardian's understanding and the coordination.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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