


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome




陳國東(Kow-Tong Chen);楊志元(Jyh-Yuan Yang);林旭龍(Sol L. Lin);唐麗慧(Li-Hui Tang)


severe acute respiratory syndrome ; cornavirus ; case-fatality rate




13卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


145 - 156




嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS)是經由感染變種冠狀病毒(SARS CoV)所引起。SARS冠狀病毒的傳染途徑主要是經由近距離密切接觸感染。自2003年3月世界衛生組織要求世界各國加強通報嚴重急性呼吸道症候群疫情以來,已有超過32個以上國家通報,到2003年7月11日,可能病例已有8,437例,其中813例死亡,病例致死率約9.6%。台灣地區自2003年3月14日接獲第一例SARS通報病例,到7月11日可能病例共有669例,其中72例死亡,病例致死率約10.8%。SARS病毒感染後造成嚴重併發症及死亡,不僅威脅到人類生命的安全,也造成無以數計的經濟損失。了解SARS並做好準備是減低SARS所造成的罹病與死亡的重要方法之一。本文回顧SARS的文獻,冀能加強醫護人員對SARS的認識,以便做好周全的預防措施。


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by SARS CoV through close contact with SARS patients. SARS has been reported in over 32 countries since the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert in March 2003. Until July 11, 2003, 8437 probable SARS cases and 813 deaths (case fatality rate=9.6%) were reported in the world. In Taiwan, the first SARS case was reported on March 14, 2003. Since then, 669 probable cases and 72 deaths (case fatality rate=10.8%) were reported. SARS caused severs complication and death. It not only threatened the life of all people, but also caused economic bankruptcy in the world. To understand SARS is one of the most important measures to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by SARS. We reviewed the current knowledge on SARS and underscored the prevention and intervention efforts.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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