


A Study of Smoking and Associated Factors in College Freshman




黃素雲(Su-Yun Huang);顏啟華(Chi-Hua Yen);陳宇嘉(Yu-Chia Chen);蔡崇煌(Chung-Huang Tsai);王雪鳳(Hsueh-Feng Wang)


cigarette smoking ; peer pressure ; high school ; college ; part-time work




13卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


171 - 180




目前已有不少研究皆發現國小及中學時代開始抽菸者,常會延續到成人的抽菸,從抽菸者回顧調查,亦發現成年人之抽菸,有相當高的比率是由國小及中學即開始有抽菸之行為,因此了解年輕人的抽菸行為及與其有關的因素探討是相當有意義的研究。本研究分析台灣中部某技術學院九十一年度參加註冊體檢之日間部學生的抽菸流行病學調查及與其相關的因素探討,結果發現有17.3% 的抽菸盛行率(女生為3.5%;男生為21.2%)。在抽菸者之回顧調查,發現大部份(54.5%)是在高中(職)或專科以後抽菸,其次是國中(34.1%),在國小亦有11.4%即曾有抽菸之經驗。有三分之一以上(37.9%)的抽菸學生曾戒過,但是失敗了,有26.1%的抽菸者想戒,但沒有行動,有21.6%者從來沒有戒菸過也不想戒。調查其何時及為何要繼續抽菸,結果發現以回答寂寞無聊時的機率最多(70.9%),其次依次為和菸友在一塊時(58.3%)、有挫折感時(36.4%)及被師長責備後(18.7%)。想繼續抽菸的理由最多為平日太無聊(52.3%),其餘前四位為朋友有抽菸(45.7%),同學有抽菸(35.1%),及可增加思考能力(22.0%),家人有抽菸會使其繼續抽菸的理由佔7.9%。以邏輯複迴歸分析探討與抽菸有關之因素,結果男性之抽菸勝算比遠高於女生(OR=10.4),20-24歲者抽菸之勝算比比15-19歲低(OR=0.5),曾工作過或打工過(OR=2.4)及以前常翹課(OR=5.6)之學生亦容易抽菸。對於課業關心程度越不在乎者抽菸之勝算比亦越高,自覺父母對自己越不好者,亦易有抽菸傾向。


Recent studies have shown that those who start smoking cigarettes in elementary and junior high school typically continue to smoke into adulthood. A review of these results clearly show that a large proportion of adult smoking begins in elementary school and secondary school. Accordingly, the factors and reasons leading teenagers to begin smoking warrant further investigation. This study analyzed the Day Division students of the Nai Kai College of Technology who participated in entrance physical examinations in Nai-Tou County in 2002. The epidemiological study showed that 17.3% already smoked cigarettes (female:3.5%;male:21.2%).Further investigation showed most of the cigarette smoking subjects began smoking at senior high school (or vocational school), or at college (54.5%), followed by junior high school,(34.1%), and followed finally by elementary school (11.4%).More than a third of the subjects tried to quit smoking but failed (37.9%), 26.1% of subjects thought of quitting but did not try, and 21.6% said they would never give up smoking. When asked when and why they smoked, answers included loneliness (70.9%), frustration (36.4%), being reprimanded by teachers (18.7%), and when they were with smoking friends (58.3%). The reasons given for continuing to smoke included boredom (52.3%), smoking friends (45.7%), smoking peers (35.1%), enhanced thinking (22.0%), and family influence (7.9%). The results of logistic regression showed that the male to female odds ratio was 10.4 among 20 to 24 year olds and 0.5 among 15 to 19 year olds. The odds ratio for working versus not working was 2.4, and smokers had a higher chance of leaving a lecture (OR=5.6). Subjects who were not concerned about their academic performance and subjects who felt that their parents were not interested in their academic performance were more likely to smoke as well.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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