


Conquer the Earthquake Grieves, and Embrace Hopes: The Comparison, Contrast and the Criticism on Two Picture Books, "The Hope's Wing," and "The Earthquake Kingdom"




林素珍(Sul-Jen Lin)


兒童文學 ; 圖畫書 ; 地震 ; 九二一地震 ; 生命教育 ; Children Literature ; Picture Books ; Earthquake ; 921 Earthquake ; Life Education




7期(2003 / 12 / 01)


285 - 304






The “picture book”, seizing an important position in children literature, is a mainstream study in children literature. In the recent publications, it is not hard for us to discover that children literature comes from various sources. A reader can have the access to the diverse themes and consequently experience multi-various learning processes. In addition to the traditional themes with regard to warmness, sweetness, and merriment, the reader would also explore serious topics such as life and death, diseases, aging, disasters, wars, mentally and physically disabled, family problems. The present paper will focus on the theme “earthquake,” discussing two picture books published locally in Taiwan- “the Hope's Wing,” and “The Earthquake Kingdom.” Four main points are illustrated below: (1) the way the earthquake is presented: including the illustration of the earthquake's related events added with the setting of earthquake; (2) the development of plot: including Qi (introduction), Cheng (development), zhuan (transition), He (conclusion); (3) the characters portrait: Tianyu and Panpan are the main targets for analysis; (4) the presentation of words and pictures:including two kinds; one is that the words and pictures are in one page and the other is that the words and the pictures are in each single page. It is hoped that the present paper can open up a new thinking direction for the selection of children books and for the children’s life education.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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