


A study of Lee, Ping-nan, the founder of Taichung Lotus Society, and his enlightenment on Confucianism and Buddhism




黃麗娟(Li-Jiuan Huang)


儒佛 ; 李炳南 ; 雪廬 ; 台中蓮社 ; 臺灣佛教 ; 臺灣宗教 ; Confucianism and Buddhism ; Lee ; Ping-nan ; Taichung Lotus Society




8期(2004 / 06 / 01)


427 - 459




李炳南所領屬的台中蓮社有儒佛之風,在臺灣佛教界獨樹一幟。而李炳南本人的學養與道德人格亦為教界翹首之一。在二十世紀中期,臺灣社會的群眾知識尚未普遍開發;他以儒佛思想默默努力的灌溉,耕耘出一方人問淨土。因其行事作風內斂,所以並不普為世人所知,然凡是接近過他的人,莫不為他的知識學養及道德人格所感召。這樣一位高潔之士,是當今汲汲功利社會的一道清流,世人若不識他,可謂是世人的遺憾!他對臺灣佛教界的淨土弘化影響甚深,對傳統文化的推展也不遺餘力,其在佛教歷史中必佔一席之地,故撰文述之。 儒佛在過去的歷史文化中一直是對立的,宋明儒者朱熹、王陽明皆闢佛。可是民國以來,從印光大師到李炳南,其教化弟子都是儒佛並揚,融合無問,且相輔相成。何以儒佛在他們的教化中不會衝突?本文以李炳南的教化為研究對象,發現其所宣導的儒家思想以論語的孝悌倫理為主,而佛教思想以因果論及淨土學說為核心,非常適合在家的佛教徒,形成內佛外儒的生活模式;本文就其內容思想作一扼要的勾勒,冀讓學界有所了解。


The Taichung Lotus Society founded by Mr. Lee, Ping-nan exhibits both Confucian and Buddhist characters. It has a special position among Taiwan Buddhist disciples. Mr. Lee's scholastic and personal integrity is also highly respected by Taiwan Buddhist followers. In the mid twentieth century, when the general public in Taiwan was still not enlightened, Mr. .Lee quietly cultivated his Confucian and Buddhist thoughts among the people, opening up a piece of pure soil at that time. Because Mr. Lee was a very introversive person, he was not well known to most people. However anyone who came into contact with him would be moved by his scholastic profundity and magnanimous personality. Mr. Lee's dignified personality is like a clear stream flowing in the current Taiwan society, which emphasize mundane pursuits. Mr. Lee did not seek his own personal fame and few people know him, this is a loss to the society as a whole. Mr. Lee has a profound influence in the Taiwan Buddhist denomination ”pure soil enlightenment”, and he was also enthusiastic in promoting Chinese Confucian thoughts. He will certainly occupy a prominent position in Buddhist history. Confucianism and Buddhism were traditionally rivaling philosophies. The Confucian scholars of the Sung and Ming Dynasty like Chu Tzu and Wang Yang Ming were strong opponents of Buddhism. However since about 1911, from Abbot Ying Kang to Mr. Lee, Ping-nan, their teaching incorporates both Confucianism and Buddhism, merging the two philosophies, each complementing the other. Why is there no Conflict in their teaching of Confucianism and Buddhism? This paper studies the enlightenment of Mr. Lee, Ping-nan. The theme of his Confucian teaching is the Filial piety of the Analects of Confucius. And the core of his Buddhist teaching is ”reap as what one has sown” and ”pure soil dogma”. Mr. Lee's teaching is very suitable to in house Buddhist disciples, who can practice an ”inner Buddhist and outer Confucian” life style. This paper attempts to outline Mr. Lee's thoughts and teachings, hoping others can gain an insight of Mr. Lee, Ping-nan.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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