


Tian-dao-sing-ming-guan of Chang, Tsai's "Li-yi-fen-shu"




劉昌佳(Chang-Chia Liu)


方法論 ; 正蒙 ; 西銘 ; 張載 ; 理一分殊 ; Methodology ; Jheng-meng ; Si-ming ; Chang ; Tsai ; Li-yi-fen-shu




11期(2005 / 12 / 01)


27 - 62




「理一分殊」是程頤提出用來概括張載〈西銘〉的思想,但是,程頤的解說是屬於倫理學的意義,而張載則是重在天道觀。張載是由以太和之氣為本體的天道觀,進一步論人與萬有所稟受的性與命,並以這樣的理論,進而論「民胞物與」的人間世倫理的終極理想。 張載的天道性命之理論,是運用「理一分殊」的方法論,說明世界本體和人、物的關係,並由此論人間世以及人與物的倫理關係,再進而論天道性命的相貫通,也就是如何地以人道上合天道的一種成德的道德功夫論。本文將張載的理論體系分成二個系統加以解析:「太和之氣→氣→象」和「太和之氣→氣→氣質之性→攻取之性」。其中太和之氣是本體,其餘則是本體的發用。就本體而言,太和之氣是普遍地存在於陰陽之氣、氣質之性、攻取之性和萬有的象之中;就分殊言之,它們的本質都是太和之氣的本體。由此可以得知:張載的天道性命相貫通義是用「理一分殊」的理論架構所開展出來的。 因為儒、佛在基本觀點上的差異,所以,即使張載「理一分殊」的思想有受到佛學的影響,其所影響的是方法論,而方法論是共法,由此可以說,張載是吸收了佛教的方法論,藉以建立儒學的天道性命觀。


”Li-yi-fen-shu” was proposed by Cheng, Yi to generalize Chang, Tsai's thought in ”Si-ming.” However, Cheng, Yi's exposition belonged to the significance of ethics, but Chang, Tsai emphasized the metaphysics. From the metaphysics that took Tai-he-jhih-ci to be the noumenon, Chang, Tsai discussed further the endowed nature and innate character of human being and all God's creation, and talked about ”The people are my brothers, and the creation is part of me,” the ultimate ideal in the world further with this kind of theory. Chang, Tsai's theories of metaphysics and innate character endowed by the God made use of the methodology of ”Li-yi-fen-shu” to explain the relationships of the world noumenon with the people and objects, discussed the ethic relationships among the world, the people, and the objects by means of it, and then discussed further the mutual interlinking of the metaphysics and the innate character endowed by the God, that was, a kind of virtue-achieving moral accomplishment theory by how to correspond to the natural law with the humanity. The article divided Chang, Tsai's theory system into two systems to analyze: ”Tai-he-jhih-ci→Yin & Yang→concrete objects,” and ”Tai-he-jhih-ci→Yin & Yang→Ci-jhih-jhih-sing→the nature of struggle and obtainment for existence and survival.” Among them, he thought that Tai-he-jhih-ci was the noumenon, and the rest was the manipulation of the noumenon. To speak from the noumenon, Tai-he-jhih-ci existed universally in Yin & Yang, Ci-jhih-jhih-sing, the nature of struggle and obtainment for existence and survival, and the phenomena of creation; to speak from Fen-shu, their essence was the noumenon of Tai-he-jhih-ci. From this I could get that Chang' Tsai's mutual interlinking theory of the metaphysics and the innate character endowed by the God was developed from the theoretical structure of ”Li-yi-fen-shu.” Because of the basic differences on viewpoints between Confucianism and Buddhism, even if Chang, Tsai's thought of ”Li-yi-fen-shu” was influenced by Buddhism, the one that was affected was the methodology, and methodology is the common rule. From this I can say that Chang, Tsai absorbed the methodology of Buddhism to establish the theories of metaphysics and innate character endowed by the God of Confucianism.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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