


Try Designing a Course in Monographic Study of Taiwan Children Picture Book




林素珍(Sul-Jen Lin)


圖畫書 ; 兒童文學 ; 課程設計 ; 臺灣 ; picture book ; children literature ; courses design ; Taiwan




11期(2005 / 12 / 01)


451 - 474




圖畫書(picture book)是兒童文學界的新興文類,也是兒童文學中的重要課題。近年來,世界各地的圖畫書均呈現蓬勃發展的朝氣。再者,閱讀圖畫書已成為一股新的風潮,閱讀年齡層也有向上提昇的趨勢,從零歲到一百歲的人幾乎都可以找到適合自己閱讀的作品。 近年來,台灣圖畫書雖然呈現蓬勃發展的盛況,但是國內專家學者的相關研究大都以外國作品為主,對台灣本土圖畫書的通盤觀照則較為缺乏,需要有志者再投注心力。就台灣文學的教學而言,國內相關的系所大多致力於民間文學、傳統詩文、傳統戲曲、日據時代新文學及戰後文學等範疇,僅國立台北教育大學台灣文學研究所及真理大學台灣文學系有開設台灣兒童文學的相關課程,就量的統計而言,確實嫌少了些。其實,台灣兒童文學呈現著豐富而多樣的風貌,是台灣文學絕對不可或缺的一環,並且深深的影響著台灣的下一代子民,有著承先啟後的重要責任。 國立彰化師範大學台灣文學研究所於九十三學年度成立,並於九十四年招考碩士班一年級新生。在課程架構的設計中也涵蓋了台灣兒童文學一項,在唸謠、童詩、散文、故事、小說、戲劇等領域中,圖畫書的表達方式幾乎可以包含前面四個項目,因此試著設計「台灣兒童圖畫書專題研究」課程,以期有系統的將台灣圖畫書的發展、基本理論及創作者作一介紹。本論文的撰寫,將以教材設計為主軸,共分台灣兒童圖畫書之發展歷史、台灣兒童圖畫書之理論應用、台灣兒童圖畫書之資深作家等三個主要單元。


Picture book the new and developing category in the field of children literature is an important topic for study at present. In present years, the developments of picture book are full of youthful vigor all over the world. Moreover, Read picture book has become a new wave of fashion already. The reading age has been provided with a tendency upward. They almost every one at any age can always find the most suitable picture creations for themselves. In near years, similar to other countries there is a grand occasion in the studies of picture books in Taiwan too, but the most parts of the researches of domestic scholars given first place and focused on foreign creations. This resulted in the lack of a comprehensively attentions for home creations. There is necessary for who with a will throw mental and physical efforts. About the present situation of Taiwan literature educations, most of the related departments and research institutes are restriction on and make efforts in folk literatures, traditional poetries, traditional operas, new literatures belong to the times of Japan occupied, and postwar literatures. There is only Graduated School of Taiwan Literature of National Taipei Educational University and Department of Taiwan Literature of Aletheia University offer the related courses in Taiwan children literature in whole Taiwan. In views of quantity, it is not surely enough. As a matter of fact, Taiwan children literature displayed an abundant style and a plentiful feature. It is such an important link never been neglected in the field of Taiwan children literature and influence the coming generation deep and far. It shoulders the weighty responsibilities to arouse and to edify Taiwan people. Graduated school of Taiwan Literature of National Changhua University of Education established in 2004 academic year and publicly and selectively recruit new Master’s degree students. In the course design, Taiwan children literature has been contain originally. Among those fields of ballad reading, children poetry, essay, tale, novel, and drama, the express modes of picture book can almost contain the front four items at least. It is the reason why to try to design a monographic study of Taiwan Children Picture Book in this thesis. Hope to introduce methodically the developments of Picture Book in Taiwan, the fundamental theories, and the author. In this thesis, the teaching materials designs must be the main shaft. There are three major units divide into parts. That will be one of the development histories, one of the theories applications, and one of distinguished reputation authors of Taiwan children picture books.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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