


Su Dongpo's Yizhuan and the Yi Atmosphere in His Ci Verses




陳素英(Su-Ying Chen)


東坡 ; 易傳 ; 東坡詞 ; 風格 ; 詮釋 ; Su Dongpo ; Yizhuan ; Yuefu ; style ; interpretation




12期(2006 / 06 / 01)


117 - 158




本文將透過東坡易傳及其詞中所見之易理,探討其對生命消長之體悟、人事興衰之感受,一、以明其易傳特質;二、以明其詞作中自然流露之易傳精神。無論出處之抉擇、應變之態度、精神內質之詮釋,文學易學二者之間,來源非一,歷練非一,容有同質異質處,或可作謝顯補充參照,以明其文學作品風格意境之形成。 生命歷程對東坡而言,無處不呈現「無情流水多情客」之特色,東坡可貴即在多變世情中,不改適情之態度。就文學作品而言:此類作品風格在豪放婉約間,豪放處在多情多感;悲涼處在宿命中,與史情共歸寂寥,須信人生如寄;婉約處在俯仰人世今古,抉擇將何歸何往?有情、適情、無情、無奈,皆在心間徘徊。就易學作品言:將易經天道落人間情懷,將哲思融入文學感性生命。就兩者交互之特色而言:詞作蘊含豐富人情主題與深邃哲思,易傳在博洽寬容中,輔以行雲流水之文學語言,種種吉凶禍福之象徵,正融入「思無邪」之詩學情感與生命。 章節除前言結論外分四:一、東坡易傳撰寫之意義。二、東坡易傳特質。三、東坡詞作之易學精神。四、易象、詞意、心境之對照。


By way of studying the philosophy revealed in Su Dongpo's Yizhuan (易傳) and his ci verses, this article is to research into the poet's realization about life's ups and downs as well as his feelings about the prosperity and the decadence of the world in order to understand 1) the characteristics of his Yizhuan and 2) the spontaneously overflowing spirit of Yizhuan as embodied in his ci verses. Between literature and the learning of Yi, despite the differences between their origins, choices, attitudes, the interpretation of their spiritual contents, the similarity and the discrepancy, they are still complementary to each other and are good references for us to understand the formation of his literary styles and ideas. The origins differ, and the experiences vary. For Su Dongpo, the river of life presents the characteristics of 'the ruthless river and the passionate traveler' here and there. What is so valuable about Su Dongpo is that, though living in the changing world, he maintains his real being. As far as literature is concerned, the styles of this kind of works lie in between heroism and elegance. What is heroic shows itself in being loving and sensitive, in being sad in fate, in fading away with history, and in knowing the ephemeral nature of life. What is elegant lies in choosing the destination to take, in being loving, adapting, ruthless or in having no choice-all these always occurs to the mind as long as one lives. As far as the learning of Yi is concerned, the natural laws of The Book of Changes (Yi Jing, 易經) are introduced to human life, and its philosophy is fused with the literary sensitivity. As far as the two are concerned, the ci verse contains rich human emotions and profound philosophical insights, while Yizhuan, written in a free style, with its accommodating and tolerant characteristics, contains many symbols of bad luck and good fortune, fusing into the poetic feeling and life of what is called 'naivete of thought.' The article consists of three chapters: 1) The characteristics of Su Dongpo's Yizhuan, 2) The spirit of the learning of Yi in Su Dongpo's ci verses, and 3) Divinatory symbols, the meanings of ci and the state of the mind.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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