题名 |
重探清空筆調下的白石詞情 |
并列篇名 |
The Essence of Sentiment in the Ci Poetry of Jiang Kui and Its Form of Expression |
10.6973/CJ.200606.0159 |
作者 |
劉少雄(Siu-Hung Lau) |
关键词 |
姜夔白石 ; 蘇軾東坡 ; 詞 ; 以詩為詞 ; 清空 ; 詞情 ; 境界 ; Jiang Kui ; Su Shi ; ci ; yi-shi-wei-ci ; qing-kong ; ci-qing ; jing-jie |
期刊名称 |
國文學誌 |
卷期/出版年月 |
12期(2006 / 06 / 01) |
页次 |
159 - 191 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
姜夔(白石)受蘇軾(東坡)詞的影響,以詩為詞,表現為清空之筆調與騷雅之意韻,其高格響調備受詞家所推崇,惟對其詞情之深淺有無卻有不同之評價。詞人的主體意識,內在情思,在追求清空之美的情形下,會形成怎樣的體貌?白石詞於此呈現了怎樣的情感特質?這是詞學文體論中值得探討的課題。自王國維《人間詞話》批評白石「有格而無情」以來,宗白石者無不為此而提出白石有情且深情之說,最有名而影響最深遠的則莫過於夏承燾的「白石情事說」。夏氏以詞證事,以事論詞,其墮入循環論證的困局卻不自知。筆者曾為文指陳其方法論之謬誤。不過,事隔多年,學界仍普遍接受夏氏之說,真不可思議。可見這論題仍有進一步澄清之必要。本文擬分幾個層面進行:一是本源的探討,就以詩為詞的觀點探索清空說的淵源,辨析白石詞清空幽冷的氣格之形成及其特色;一是體性與體勢的分析,由清之為美的角度探討白石詞之形式與情感的關係,並結合風格與人格,論述白石詞獨特的抒情美感特質。 |
英文摘要 |
This author tries to explicate the world of Jiang Kui (姜夔1155-1221) as a ci 詞 writer on the basis of his life experiences, his literary works, and the discourse of ci at his time. The focus of this study is to explore in depth Jiang Kui's particular features of his ci poetry writings, especially the essence of sentiment and its form. The study, in short, does help illuminate both the internal sensible and sentimental world of Jiang Kui and the aesthetics embodied in ci. It examines in detail the characteristics of qing-kong (清空) by investigating the inclination epitomized in the works of Jiang Kui respectively. Then, it also takes up the debate between Zhou Ji (周濟), Wang Guo-wei (王國維) and Xia Cheng-tao (夏承燾) on the ci-qing (詞情) of Jiang Kui's ci poetry. A comparative inquiry shows that the debate between ci-qing was in fact a dialogue engaged at difference levels. For those in favor of ci as allegory, the meaning of qing 4 is implicated in the contents of works; whereas for those in favor of ci as world (jing-jie境界) qing refers to the essence of sentiment that arises from the author's inner self. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
語言學 人文學 > 中國文學 |
参考文献 |