


Poem Collection in Jin Dynasty: An Analysis of Haowen Yuan's Zhong Zhou Yue Fu




陶子珍(Tzu-Chen Tao)


金代 ; 元好問 ; 詞選 ; 中州樂府 ; Jin Dynasty ; Hauwen Yuan ; poem collection ; Zhong Zhou Yue Fu




12期(2006 / 06 / 01)


255 - 281






Zhong Zhou Yue Fu is the one and only poem collection in Jin Dynasty. This collection is either published as an appendix in Haowen Yuan's Zhong Zhou Ji, or as a separate issue of its own. Haowen Yuan started editing and compiling from the second year of Jinaizong Tianxing (1233), and published the book in the first year of Monku Haimishihou (1249). He selected 36 poets in Jin Dynasty, which resulted in 115 poems in this collection. The earliest version of this book was published and distributed in the fifth year of Monku Xienzong (1255). The aim and purpose of editing this poem collection, for Hauwen Yuan, is keeping and recording down the history via the selection of poems, committing his sentiments and feelings for his home country to poem reading and writing. Yuan's selecting criteria and judging perspectives are varied, instead of focused on one single style or format, but he values those which are revealing of the poets' emotions and feelings, especially in the style or in a similar style of Dongpo Su and Qiji Xin. Zhong Zhou Yue Fu marks an important attempt in keeping and continuing the studies of poems and history in Jin Dynasty, embodying a historical sense in editing poem collections. Zhong Zhou Yue Fu infuses new blood into the literatures for poetry and historical studies in Jin Dynasty, occupying a special position in the history of poems, and thus is of highly significant research value.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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