


Look at the Realization of the "Bi Xing Ji Tou" Theory in Hui-Yen Chang's Anthology of Tzu from an Angle of His Collection and Comment




徐秀菁(Hsiu-Ching Hsu)


比興寄託 ; 張惠言 ; 詞選 ; 評點 ; 選詞 ; bi xing ji tou ; Hui-Yen Chang ; Anthology of Tzu ; comment ; collection of tzu




12期(2006 / 06 / 01)


283 - 310






There have been many researches on the ”bi xing ji tuo” theory in Hui-Yen Chang's Anthology of Tzu some people may praise it; some, depreciate. But this time, I will look at this work through his initial purpose that is collected to be an anthology of tzu and a textbook, from an angle that how he collects and comments in this work, to discuss the realization of the ”bi xing ji tuo” theory, which is suggested from the preface of Anthology of Tzu. I find that his theory could be verified, so we could get a complete system of ”bi xing ji tou” theory. Also, when the anthology is associated with the form of comment, Chang revives the original pattern of tzu according to this book; to let the tradition of ”bi xing ji tuo”, which begins from two form of poetry, ”shi” and ”Sao”, carry on. Simultaneously, under such an attitude, we read tzu carefully to understand what an idea, which a poet suggests in his own work. It gives us another way to understand tzu; such a way has a positive meaning for research on Tzu-discipline. In the restoration of Tzu-discipline and zun-ti of Chin dynasty, he is not the first one who suggests such a theory, but, without doubt, his effort to promote Tzu-discipline is a more direct way than others. Also, he eliminates a concept that Tzu-discipline is not worth reading. He established an initial framework of Chang-Chou group's ”bi xing ji tuo” theory according to the ontology of Tzu-discipline that he asserts in the preface of Anthology of Tzu. He also speaks for creation and appreciation of tzu through his collection and comment in his work. His initial purpose to compile this book is for teaching and reading, but his work is influential and special to the latter generation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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