The book Three Hundred Song Poems edited by Zhu Zu Mou, a poet of the late Qing Dynasty, contains poems written in every period of the Song Dynasty, which serves as the basis for the ”History of Song Poems”. This paper will first discuss the ”contextual structure” of the book, analyzing and categorizing the poems individually as presented in the volume in order to provide insight into the editing preference of Three Hundred Song Poems. Furthermore, the ”History of Song Poems” based on Three Hundred Song Poems will be compared to the history of Song poems collected in important poem anthologies edited in every period of the Qing Dynasty, in order to cast light on the relationship between Three Hundred Song Poems and the School of Zhe Xi (west of Zhe Jiang) Poems and the School of Chang Zhou Poems. In the conclusion, the paper will bring forth the significance of Three Hundred Song Poems in the history of the canon of Song poems in the Qing Dynasty.