


A Literature Interpretation of "A General Statement of 'The Book of Odes'" by Yao Chih-Heng in Ching Dynasty-text-wise and context-wise




朱孟庭(Meng-Tin Zhu)


詩經 ; 姚際恆 ; 詩經通論 ; 修辭 ; 結構 ; The Book of Odes ; YAO Chih-Heng ; A General Statement of The Book of Odes by YAO Chih-Heng ; Text-wise ; Context-wise




13期(2006 / 12 / 01)


169 - 206






There are many texture comments of the School of ”The Book of Odes” in Ching Dynasty, though YAO Chih-Heng's texture research of ”The Book of Odes” is unique. His ”A General Statement of 'the Book of Odes' ”applied for a point view of literature to criticize. They have remarkable value, I would like to arrange them systematically. Vertically featured ”Text-wise” and ”Context-wise” as two categories to work. ”Text-wise” pointed out many writing ways: multiple meaning words, syllable usages, description words, double raps, contrast manners, exchange words, reverse words, make a play on words, composing the same verse, rhyme words, arrange verse- rhyme words, as well as starting to give words meaning, which gradually goes to contrast form and eventually to arise statement. Totally are eleven wises. I found that most of them will limit its modem rhetoric terms. YAO Chih-Heng interpreted ”The Book of Odes” well, its analyze and summary brief showed a strong relations between contents and form ”the Book of Odes”. The Context- wise explores its starting-statement and ending -statement, eye-essence-wise, and across-wise are literature nuance sensitive. From these two wises, I interpreted ”the Book of Odes”. Both a literature character and also an artistic effect had been developed well. It will help and support to understand its meaning, visions of poets integrally. Further, this literature interpretation of ”the Book of Odes” by YAO Chih-Heng achieved a higher value and played an essence role of the School of ”The Book of Odes” in world.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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