


Collisions between the Chamber and the World: The Gender Consciousness and the Gaze of Empire in Shan Shili's Travel Writings




陳室如(Shi-Ru Chen)


女性 ; 旅行 ; 單士釐 ; 歸潛記 ; 癸卯旅行記 ; Female ; Travel ; Shan Shili 單士釐 ; Gui qian ji 歸潛記 ; Guimao luxing ji 癸卯旅行記




13期(2006 / 12 / 01)


257 - 282




單士釐(1858-1945),為晚清第一位由閨閣走向世界的女性海外遊記作家,陪同任晚清駐外使節的夫婿錢恂出使多國,她留下《癸卯旅行記》、《歸潛記》兩部遊記,為晚清女遊開創嶄新意義。處於新舊交接的過渡時代,單士釐的旅行書寫也在開明與保守間糾結了矛盾的複雜性。 在接觸他者過程中,單士釐開始反思自我性別角色、突破禮法限制、提倡女學與女性自由,展現性別覺醒。但受限於傳統閨閣教育,她的性別意識卻仍未跳脫長久建構的賢妻良母框架。 抱持著「以國民自任」的責任感,單士釐觀看世界的角度頗為弘觀,她抨擊帝國主義殖民暴政,關心晚清中國的時代定位與民族自覺;然而,閨秀身分與傳統價值觀,卻使她對日本的描寫呈現了扭曲的帝國凝視與國族認知。


From the chamber to the world, Shan Shili(1858-1945)was the first Chinese female overseas visits to record writer in the Late Qing. Being a wife of a diplomat, she went abroad on many diplomatic missions with her husband Qian Xun(錢恂) and created two travel travelogues-Gui qian ji(歸潛記) and Guimao luxing ji(癸卯旅行記) which creating the new meaning of the female travel in the Late Qing. In the transitional period of tradition and modern, her travel writings had the self-contradict complexity between progressive and conservative. In the process of getting in touch with the other, Shan Shili started to introspect her gender role. In order to emerge gender awakens, she broke the social morals restriction, and promoted the female education and freedom. Limited by a gentlewoman's traditional education,Shan Shili was still a Chinese standard good wife and good mother. With the responsibility of the citizen, Shan Shili took a look at world with the great view angle. She criticized the imperialism and cared about the times position of China. However, because of the traditional values and demure identity, her description to Japan is filled with the cognition for distorting.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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