


Interpretation and analysis in some doubtful inherited points about Music and Literature of Song Ci and Yuan Qu




羅麗容(Li-Zong Luo)


宋詞 ; 元曲 ; 宋詞元曲承傳 ; 宋詞元曲音樂承傳 ; 宋詞元曲文學 ; 承傳 ; 宋詞地位 ; 宋詞與宋詩 ; 宋詞與音樂 ; 元曲與音樂 ; Song Ci ; Yuan Qu ; the inheritance of Song Ci and Yuan Qu ; the literary inheritance of Song Ci and Yuan Qu ; Position of Song Ci Song Ci and Song poetry Song ; Song Ci and music ; Yuan Qu and music




17期(2008 / 12 / 01)


1 - 37






In traditional conception of history of Chinese Literature, Tang poetry is before then Song Ci, then Yuan qu is the last.During that time, the inheritance of literary genre is already formed a final conclusion, but the formulation of Song Ci was borned and spreaded from Tang poetry have had a noise of refuting censure. It is not main point and no matter should not be discussed in this text. On the other hand,the inheritance of Song Ci and Yuan Qu have discussed a lot. The traditional statement was, Yuan Qu was a younger form,no matter what its music modes, titles, cycle of songs, and developed performing stories,were all causes and embryo of Song Ci.But is it truth? In fact,the changes of literature and art since ancient times,were started from its periods,accumulating several factors and changed in gradually way through the influence of older literary form.But as for Yuan Qu’s form was really innovative,we can't call that it were qualitative changes from Song Ci.For example,the changed factors of verse in all the past dynasties,music and literature had been played important role.When new style of music were promotd,the old one and its affiliated verse certainly declined and only the new burgeoning literary form which preformed in music could replaced it.So ceremonial(refined) music declined and " 300 sheets of paper of The Book of Songs "died then sounds of Chu rised,Sao type got up.Han Dynasty established an office named “Yue-fu”,then the literary genre of Yue-fu poems replaced Sao type.Therefore music changed,verse could not but changed.It was the main reason that poetry of Song Ci declined and Yuan Qu rised. To hold this point of view to explore the inheritance about music and literature of Song Ci and Yuan Qu, and it have clear clues to be seeked out: Yuan Qu by no means inherited by Song Ci.This text planned to explored in three aspects what followed: relation of Ci and Qu in traditional literary view,music origin of Song Ci and Yuan Qu,whether or not literay background of Song Ci had influenced Yuan Qu.From that I want to present the origin,interaction,and inheritance of Song Ci and Yuan Qu when political and cultural changes arosed.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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