


Ge Diao Poetic Theory of the Yuen-Jien Ji Club-Unfolding with "The Introduction to the Ren-Shen Poem Compilation of Ji Club" and "The Preface for the Poems of the Six Poets"




謝明陽(Ming-Yang Hsieh)


格調 ; 陳子龍 ; 晚明詩學 ; 雲間詩派 ; 幾社 ; Ge Diao ; Chen Zi-Long ; the late Ming poetics ; Yuen-Jien School ; Ji Club




19期(2009 / 12 / 01)


111 - 141






Nowadays when mentioning about the Poetry of Yuen-Jien, some people may hold the belief that the Yuen-Jien Ji Club is exactly the same as the Yuen-Jien School. As a matter of fact, the practice of writing poems in response of Yuen-Jien Ji Club mainly took place from the Fourth Year to the Seventh Year of the Chongzhen Reign and there were only two carved poetry publications in the name of Ji Club-The Ren-Shen Poem Compilation of Ji Club and The Poems of the Ji Club Six Poets. Therefore, Yuen-Jien Ji Club can only be viewed as the first stage in the development of the Yuen-Jien School. Based on the above-mentioned reason, the essay is going to explore the insights of ”Ge Diao” poetic theory of Yuen-Jien Ji Club, taking advantage of ”The Introduction to the Ren-Shen Poem Compilation of Ji Club” and ”The Preface for the Poems of the Six Poets”, both written by Chen Zi-Long to present the poetic characteristics of the early development of Yuen-Jien School. The essay lays emphasis on how Ji Club poets pursued the poetic ideals of the former classics and the interaction between some ideas like hue, grace, sentiment and Ge Diao, and meanwhile compares the differences and the similarities in Ge Diao poetic theories between Ji Club poets, The Former Seven Poets and The Latter Seven Poets as well. This issue in question may help us to further understand the transformation of the classical poetics in the Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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