


The Thoughts that Mei Yuan Reflected In Female Epitaphs




陳盈妃(Ying-Fei Chen)


袁枚 ; 女性 ; 墓志銘 ; Mei Yuan ; female ; epitaph




19期(2009 / 12 / 01)


255 - 280






Mei Yuan, was an important writer and thinker during Qian Jia period, most of researches have concentrated on his poetries and poems, this research explores the thoughts that reflected from Mei Yuan's female epitaph instead, and found the leading thoughts were Taoism in his sickness period poem, self-conclusion poem, public announce poem, self-birthday celebration poem, but sometimes, his female epitaphs were based on Confucianism: For example, his writing method of ”men should be outside, and women should be inside”, paying attentions to female heritage mission and ”to expound one's ideas in writing” in ”The Three Immortals”; sometimes his thoughts swung between tradition and modernity, neither incompletely depended on tradition, nor totally innovative, showed paradoxical and confusional: such as encouraged female to read and write, while considered the all female who had both talent and virtue died at young ages, did not believe in fortune-telling, but thought it as acceptable for healing the sadness when face to the deaths of dear ones. Sometimes, resolutely opposed to traditional thoughts and showed his views boldly: for example, from the humanity point of view, he was against that women should follow the concept ”starving to death is a small matter but being disloyal is a big matter”, praised the females who had unique insights and actions. In short, from female epitaphs that done by Mei Yuan, one can see the explorations of his true nature, his thoughts were mainly based on Confucianism, while he could be also out of Confucianism and proposed his personal points of view, his thoughts sometimes were inconsistent, swung between the tradition and modernity, showed the characteristics of transition period. From the points of view and contents in his female epitaphs, one can understand his thoughts regarding to female's life values which echoed to his life history, in addition, also provided us another understanding regarding to Mei Yuan's life and death concept from different points of view.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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