


Leaving Home and Laughing at the River-A Literary Interpretation of Yuan Haowen's Thirty Poems on Poetry Research Centered on the Theories of Roman Ingarden




周益忠(I-Chung Chou)


正體 ; 文學的藝術作品 ; 純意向性客體 ; 語音造體層 ; 意義造體層 ; 再現客體層 ; 圖示觀相 ; 形而上學質 ; orthodox style ; literary works of art ; purely intentional object ; sound unit stratum ; meaning unit stratum ; representative object stratum ; graphical appearance ; metaphysical quality




21期(2010 / 09 / 01)


1 - 43






Yuan Haowen's Thirty Poems on Poetry is a product of the new discussions and ideas regarding Song Dynasty poetic forms. One way to view them is to utilize phenomenology, which sees works of literature as ”purely intentional objects.” The phenomenological aesthetics scholar Roman Ingarden considered literature to be constructed of many strata, including 1.) units of sound, 2.) units of meaning, 3.) representative objects, and 4.) graphical appearance. These four strata are delineated in the contents of The Literary Work of Art, in which graphical appearance is listed last. However, in The Ontology of the Literary Work of Art, Ingarden listed it as the third strata. This is an intentional adjustment, to be sure. These four strata will be utilized to analyze Yuan Haowen's Thirty Poems on Poetry; the first and second strata will retain in their original order, however the third and fourth strata shall be conjointly discussed.First, the rhyming scheme, final rhyming word alternation, and meaning in Yuan Haowen's 30 poems are elucidated on through use of the sound strata, which interprets the relationship between the sound-emotion and literary sentiment. Next, the unit of meaning stratum is broken down into four points of discussion to create criterion for deliberations and critique of poetry through emphasizing the utilization of poetic information from predecessors and their forming of archetypes and precedents, use of allusions, direct quotations, fusions, or pleading of innocence within the poems. The representative object and graphical appearance strata are also analyzed from four perspectives: 1.) direct representation of objects; 2.) defense and clarification in affirmative language using orthodox style; 3.) contrast of ancient/modern and orthodox/unorthodox using unorthodox style; and 4.) directly displaying if the work is orthodox or unorthodox through graphical appearance.The discussion of Yuan Haowen's orthodox style includes its stylistic vigor, naturalness, sincerity, and novelty, but the orthodox style also possesses metaphysical qualities. The vitality of the poetry emerges through ”abundant objectification,” and even to the point where ”he is alive only” […] ”when conscious that the subject is constantly constructing new objectification to make changes occur.” This is used to further uncover the profound meaning contained within the 30 orthodox-style poems.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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