


Ruan-Yuan's Kuang Ling Shih Shih




呂光華(Kuang-Hua Lu)


阮元 ; 廣陵詩事 ; 淮海英靈集 ; 定香亭筆談 ; 詩話 ; 方志 ; Ruan-Yuan ; Kuang Ling Shih Shih Poetic Events of Kuang Ling ; Huai Hai Ying Ling Ji Collection of Spirit in Huai Hai ; Ding Xiang Ting Bi Tan Notes of Ding Xiang Ting ; Shih-hua ; Local chronicle




21期(2010 / 09 / 01)


135 - 152






The Dynasty Qing is the pinnacle in the growing of the creation of traditional Shih-hua, notes on poets and poetry. Shih-hua works gradually walk onto the path of specialization. One of the symbols on this specializtion is the springing up of substantial local Shih-hua works. This springing up of local Shih-hua works in the Dynasty Qing contributes to two reasons. First is the influence of great compiling of Di Fang Zhi (local chronicle) during the Dynasty Ming and Qing. We can say that there is a directly proportional relationship between the numbers of Di Fang Zhi compiled from Ming to Qing and the numbers of local Shih-hua works. Second is related to the literati's awareness on the regional local culture. The Chinese people possess the trait of nostalgic provincialism, and the intellectuals are even more concerned on the culture of local historical education. This is the cultural background of Ruan Yuan's compiling of Kuang Ling Shih Shih, Poetic Events of Kuang Ling.As the direct catalyst the completion of Kuang Ling Shih Shih, a poem collection, Huai Hai Ying Ling Ji-Collection of Spirit in Huai Hai, compiled by Juan-Yuan for his hometown Yang-Zhou is closely related to the work. Kuang Ling Shih Shih can be said to be the sub-product of Huai Hai Ying Ling Ji. The two books are written in different styles, focusing on different aspects and functions. One is a compilation of event records, the other is a collection of poems.This thesis probes the compiling time and goals, and the completion of Kuang Ling Shih Shih, along with its content and evaluation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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