


Four Notes on Reading Bronze Inscriptions




高佑仁(You-Jen Kao)


玫茵堂藏中國銅器 ; 青銅器銘文 ; 古文字 ; 考釋 ; Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection ; Bronze Inscriptions ; Ancient writing ; Explanation




21期(2010 / 09 / 01)


277 - 295






Bronze inscription materials have been coming out of excavations during these years, making it hardly possible for us to keep up with their updating pace. With the most welcome discovery of these materials, however, there are many questions for us to discuss as well as deliberate about how to interpret the inscriptions. Moreover, as the words during the Warring States period have also been playing an important part of the study of ancient words, the large amount of newly discovered words have provided a great help for correcting and complementing our understanding of bronze inscriptions. In the present paper, I propose four opinions of my interpretation: the first three are aimed at such words as ”ni”(逆), ”ding”(丁), ”she”(舌), ”xiao”(孝), etc., which are included in Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection. Meiyingtang is an important European organization that collects bronze objects, and with 157 bronze objects included, that book is certainly of a significant importance. Being published in London and written in English, however, the book has received relatively little notice from scholars in the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Liang Ge (Fudan University, China) is the only one who has offered interpretations about the bronze objects with inscriptions on them included in that book, and yet there are still some doubtful points remaining to be elucidated. In the fourth part of my interpretative notes, I conduct an investigation over the form and formation of the word ”yung”(甬) in the inscriptions on a bronze container and a bronze mirror that belonged to a Chu prince.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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