


The Type of "Pian-Yi-Zi" in Taiwanese Kua-a-Chheh




臧汀生(Ting-Sheng Zang)


歌仔冊 ; 便宜字 ; 敦煌變文 ; 俗字 ; 訓詁 ; 擬音 ; 字形訛變 ; kua-a-chheh ; pian-yi-zi ; Dunhuang transformation text ; folk character ; critical interpretation of ancient text ; ni yin ; the shift of forms




22期(2011 / 06 / 01)


163 - 210




漢語基於其「孤立語」(Solitary Language)單音成義與一音多義(多義共音)的特質,遂不必走向拼音文字的途徑,而發展出其自足體系的文化;也就是說假借音同或音近字權宜書寫的手段,乃是漢語、漢字文化先天的傳統,但是卻也因為書面文字有時取義有時取音的不確定性。就字義引伸時尚可藉由形體組構的本義進行想像擴大,或與上下文的牽連而獲得解釋;但是,字音的假借則與字形完全無關,而有賴於字音的推敲。然而字音的推敲涉及訓詁者對古今音變與方言音差的相當了解,於是古來解讀古籍的訓詁大家,莫不以破其假借做為重要的途徑。台灣語言乃係漢語的一支,尤其台灣遠離中原,其語言的書寫與中原官話的規範用字系統常有脫勾,於是假借音同或音近字權宜書寫的現象較諸中原官話系統更為顯著,特別是其擬音用字的未必精準,以及語言內容的多樣性,在在造成習慣官話系統語音與文字對應連結者的閱讀障礙,因此破其借音字的語義,更是解讀台語歌仔冊的重要途徑。為涵蓋全貌,本論文遂以台灣南、中、北各地五本歌仔冊之中,時代或前或後的擬音「便宜字」各種書寫現象,試行彙整歸納,而就「方音的記實」、「文白的換字」、「近音的混字」、「語音的合讀」、「字形的救濟」、「六書的造字」、「日語的移植」與「字形的訛變」等八種現象,結合諸先進就中國經典訓詁與敦煌俗字的研究基礎,嘗試提出個人的淺見,冀能為台灣歌仔冊的正確解讀及語言、文化的保存,略效棉薄之力。


Chinese has the characteristics of a solitary language, where each monosyllabic word conveys a meaning, and every utterance is a word with more than one meaning. This is a culture that is sufficient without using alphabetic writing. Therefore, phonetic loan words with the same pronunciation or similar sound tags making the phonetic loan words are the inherited tradition of Chinese language culture. Sometimes, a written utterance could be taken from its meaning or its sound, such uncertainty allows a meaning to expand from its form, where the meaning could be interpreted by the context. In a phonetic loan word, the character is borrowed for the same sound and has nothing to do with the form. Interpretation of words such as these relies solely on the sound module. Those who are skilled in explaining words in ancient books understand the diachronic change and the different sounds between dialects. Therefore, rising above the phonetic loans has become an important method in interpretation. Taiwanese languages are derived from Chinese. Being so far away from the central plains of China, the languages of Taiwan have disconnected from the official language used in the central plains, and the phenomenon of phonetic loan words with the same pronunciation or similar sound tags making the phonetic loan words have become even more significant. For those who are used to the sounds and characters of the official language, it is more challenging in reading Taiwanese languages, given the inaccuracy of sounds and diversity of the language. That is why rising above the phonemic loans is an important guideline in interpreting kua-a-chheh (Taiwanese ballads). This study compiles all the ”Pian-Yi-Zi” in five kua-a-chhehs from south and north of Taiwan, and discusses the following eight phenomenon, including ”dialectal accent”, ”change of words”, ”the confusion between similar sounds”, ”the combination of sounds”, ”borrowing of forms”, ”word-formation from the six categories of Chinese characters”, ”the influence of Japanese language”, and ”the shift of forms”. From my point of view, in combination with the foundation laid down by previous studies on Chinese classics and Dunhuang folk characters, it is hoped that kua-a-chheh can be interpreted correctly, while preserving such a language and culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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