


Transformation and Innovation on Writings about Wang Zhaojun in Qing Dynasty: On the Theme of Debates Over Wang's Political Marriage




張高評(Ko-Ping Chang)


昭君故事 ; 和親是非 ; 轉化 ; 創新 ; 清詩 ; the story of Wang Zhaojun ; debates over Wang's political marriage ; transformation ; innovation ; Qing poetry




22期(2011 / 06 / 01)


17 - 44






Chinese literati often write poetry to supply the void and vague points in past works over Wang Zhaojun's political marriage. While the theme of debates over Wang's political marriage isn't the focal point in that poetry written before Northern Song, poets in Song Dynasty usually use Wang's political marriage as the case to express their opinions whether they approve the peace deal or not. They not only look for fresh meaning and fine language, but also devote to the theme's transformation and penetration. Hereby, they develop their own school from poets in Tang Dynasty. We could find six innovations in Qing poets' creations upon Wang Zhaojun: 1. yurts better than the palace; 2. political marriages making meritorious contribution; 3. images of Wang's getting on the horse; 4. dedication of maintaining borderland's peace; 5. the equity of Tian Li; 6. the preference of human. If we inspect these works by the principle that ”if similarities are more than differences, it would be regarded as imitation; on the contrary, it would be called innovation,” they obviously show characteristics of creative and different interpretation. While poets in Song Dynasty are used to press on honoring the King and expelling the barbarians, poets in Qing Dynasty are sensitive and careful of the boundary between Huaxia and barbarian tribes. On the other hand, Qing poets would occasionally discuss the issue of the equity of Tian Li and the preference of human, which is highly accentuated in Song-Ming neo-Confucianism. While He Xiu's Gongyang Jiegu places emphasis on ChunQiu Shufa, which stresses on the conception of unification, we could also find similar thoughts in Song and Qing poets' works on Wang Zhaojun.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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