


Appraises "MoZi" "The Political Rule Order Must Follow Ruler's Right and Wrong Standard"




白崢勇(Jeng-Yung Bai)


墨子 ; 尚同 ; 尚賢 ; Mozi ; esteem of accordance ; esteem of sagas




23期(2011 / 12 / 01)


203 - 239






”MoZi” the theory is by ”starts the world the benefit, eliminates disaster of the world” to take the goal, but sums up in the establishment universal love mutual benefit harmonious society. Mozi initiates his idea to all people, also conceives from the political stratification plane begins, therefore the revelation ”establishment common thought and values” thought. ”esteem of accordance” advocated that ”the political rule order must follow ruler's right and wrong standard”, also advocated that by ”reported” the achievement ”obtains ruled's situation” method, and by award and punishment uneven people's thought and values, therefore has some scholars to think ”esteem of accordance” the essence is despotic. More serious, directly ”Han Feizi” the crowned head will revere alone the centralization series governing skill ”esteem of accordance” marked the equal sign with ”MoZi”. The article, attempts by three parts takes the discussion axle center: First, discussion ”esteem of accordance” theory validity root and theory method, analyzes ”MoZi” is ”wants righteousness by the day will” to make for this reason the idea value root, then explained that ”esteem of accordance” was actually ”MoZi” wants to cause him ”righteousness” to obtain the unanimous approval the methodology, therefore so-called because of ”considers” executes the award and punishment also to have the double-decked significance; Second, inquired into ”esteem of accordance” the theory ideal as well as the feasibility. Takes advantage of this expounded that ”esteem of accordance” was ”MoZi” constructs ”the universal love” a world safeguard, however, if ”the day will” were not affirmed, then ”esteem of accordance” the beginning had in the realistic stratification plane suffers wrong with, but flows in the despotic anxiety; Third, revelation ”esteem of accordance” theory limitation and scotoma. Explained ”esteem of accordance” the justness is decided by sage's limits, also, if is unable to guarantee the sage reigns inevitability, then ”esteem of sagas” is insufficient to be auxiliary ”esteem of accordance”.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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