


On the Acceptance and Criticisms of Zhong Rong's "Shi Pin" of the Ancient Poems Anthology in Qing Dynasty-A Case Study of Wang Fuchih's "Selection of Old Poems and Critiques" and Chen Zuoming's "The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House"




呂光華(Kuang-Hua Lu)


鍾嶸 ; 詩品 ; 王夫之 ; 古詩評選 ; 陳祚明 ; 采菽堂古詩選 ; 總集與詩話 ; Zhong Rong ; Shi Pin ; Wang Fuchih ; Selection of Old Poems and Critiques ; Chen Zuoming ; The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House ; The selection of Poetry and Poetry Critique




24期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30






While the past studies of Shi Pin in Qing dynasty only focused on the versions of printing, annotations and relevant critiques of poetry, ignoring the meaning and value which the Qing scholars had contributed in the aspect of poetry selections; this study believes that if the vision of related study can be expanded to poetry selections, the result should be very significant. In the eyes of Qing people, Zhong Rong's Shi Pin wasn't as solitary as it seemed. This study aims to clarify the meaning and value of the ancient poem anthology edited by Qing scholars while doing research about Qing people's study about Zhong Rong's Shi Pin; by using the cases of the famous selections in the early Qing dynasty, Wang Fuchih's Selection of Old Poems and Critiques and Chen Zuoming's The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House.In Wang Fuchih's Selection of Old Poems and Critiques, he rarely quotes works written by former scholars, including Zhong Rong's Shi Pin; neither do we see he cites any of the poet commentaries that are included in the ”Three Pin” in Shi Pin. Even though, it does not show that he didn't notice Shi Pin, the earliest critique which comments on ancient poems from Han Wei to Chi Liang. There are both acceptance and criticism judging from his opinions to Zhong Rong's Shi Pin in Selection of Old Poems and Critiques. As acceptance, he acknowledges Zhong Rong's evaluation on various poets from Han Wei to Chi Liang; while as criticism, he clearly shows his personal likes and dislikes.Chen Zuoming's The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House nearly quotes all the articles in Zhong Rong's Shi Pin; only that they are quoted from Fen Wei Ne's Gu Shi Ji, not the original Shi Pin. From his criticism and interpretation after the quotation, his opinions of Zhong Rong are more of depreciation rather than appreciation. This altitude and opinion of anti-Zhong had great impact on Chen Yan's Shi Pin's Common Discussion in the late Qing dynasty. Much of Chen Yan's criticism of Zhong Rong's Shi Pin comes from Chen Zuoming's The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House directly or indirectly. Chen Zuoming's criticism of Zhong Rong focuses on several parts; first being the origin of the poetry style; second being the skill and style of poet; third being the contrast between achievements of the poets. Although these criticisms from Chen do not seem all reasonable, they do possess his own viewpoint and stand. However, some of them are in fact results from misreading or misunderstanding, and thus are required to consider separately.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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