


Qi-Qiao, a Love Affair, and the Governing Thoughts-The Expression of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid Story in Chinese Classical Operas




丘慧瑩(Hui-Yin Chiu)


牛郎織女 ; 雙星 ; 七夕 ; 乞巧 ; 張騫乘槎 ; the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid ; Twin Stars ; Qi-Xi ; Qi-Qiao ; Zhang Qian's taking raft story




25期(2012 / 12 / 01)


103 - 136






The story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid is actually the interpretations made by the ancient people when observing star signs. This story started with two stars and is made up from their deification, personification, and worldliness, and then further became a well known story in which a cowherd and a weaving maid meet only on Chinese Valentine's Day- Qi-Qiao (乞巧) or Qi-Xi (七夕). But when we review the story in any Chinese classical opera, we fail to find any of these well known scenarios such as the love affairs between supernatural beings and human beings, being forced to separate after getting married and having a baby, or being able to meet only on the day of Qi-Xi after the merciful permission of Wang-Mu (王母). Instead, the scenarios of the story adopted by the operas are according to the books Jing Chu suishiji (荊楚歲時記) and Bo Wu zhi (博物志) which includes the cowherd giving up farming and the weaving maid idling which infuriates the god Yu Di (玉帝) who finally forces them to separate but allows them to meet once a year only on the day of Qi-Xi. Other adopted scenarios are derived from a story in which Zhang Qian (張騫) meets both of the cowherd and the weaving maid while going upstream by raft in order to trace the source of the river.The research will classify the story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid adopted by the classical operas into three categories: one, the play works written specifically for the Qi-Qiao festival, second, the play works showing the love affair of the cowherd and the weaving maid, and the third, the play works showing the governing aspiration according to the story of Zhang Qian’s journey going upstream. The Qi-Qiao festival category has the longest history, however the length of each work is short, the content is simple and it emphasizes bustling and exciting scene arrangements. In the love affair category, there are very few works of plays which concretely describe the love affair. Twin Star Picture (雙星圖) by Zou Shan (鄒山), although it was written in a legend style in which it narrates the origin of the couple’s social class, their love and the marriage, their separation, and their only meeting time on Qi-Xi, is the only play portraying the couple as the leading roles and then going into detail about how they fight for their love for each other. The third category is Zhang Qian’s raft story trip, but it rarely describes things other than that which is in related literature. However, one exception to this is the work Yin Han cha (銀漢槎) by Li Wen-Han (李文瀚) in which he uses wonderful thoughts to vary Zhang Qian’s story of taking a raft upstream. He not only depicts governing thoughts for bringing peace and prosperity as the true main theme of the opera but fundamentally changes the characteristics of the roles, the cowherd and the weaving maid.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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