


The New Discussion on Zizhang




劉國平(Guo-Ping Liou)


子張 ; 孔門弟子 ; 有教無類 ; 顓孫師 ; Zizhang ; Confucius' Disciples ; Education Without Discrimination ; Juan suen-Shr




25期(2012 / 12 / 01)


237 - 258






Zizhang is the later period student of Confucius, and he is a sage student. However, a classmate thought him ”has not reached the situation of benevolence”. And there had a controversy of he is a person from Lu or Chen, and what was hid background? When did he follow behind Confucius? How was his knowledge and morality? When did he return to Chen country to teach? These questions were suspicious. The research results of academia were different. This thesis possibly researched related data, and applies to recount, logic, cycle time, matter reason, phrasing and methods or tools and re- research. It confirmed Zizhang was a farmer from Chen country, and he was an agent of horse market when he was young. He made sly and cunning friends and they may control the price of the horse market. When he was 15, he followed Confucius. Because he was competent, Confucius looked up to him. He ever came back to Chen country to teach after Confucius died. And he got an official position in Lu and died in Lu. He had high dream and cared about benevolence and brothership and realistic, even Confucius ever praised him about benevolence. His classmates Ziyou and Zeng ever said they were not as good as his benevolence. Even Zeng went to cry for Zizhang’s death during mourning of his mother. He was a generous person and accepted different people, finally had a big organization. He was baseborn and learned from Confucius, finally became a famous Confucian scholar. And he equalized with nobilities. His ambition was worth for learning and proved the education idea ”Education Without Discrimination” by Confucius.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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