


The Interpretation of "Tsu-Wu-Gau, Zai-Seng-Du, Du-Ze-Bu-Gau" in Hexagram Meng-Book of Changes




姜龍翔(Long-Xiang Jiang)


周易 ; 蒙卦 ; 卦辭 ; 占筮 ; 一事多貞 ; Book of Changes ; Hexagram Meng ; remarks to the hexagram




25期(2012 / 12 / 01)


315 - 352






The remark to the Hexagram Meng says, ”Tsu-Shih-Gau, Zai-Seng-Du, Du-Ze-Bu-Gau”. The interpreter considers that it denotes ”one thing, one prediction” when it comes to divination. The study focused on this issue for discussion. We analyzed the interpretations of scholars of the past dynasties as well as the instances before the Han dynasty and concluded as follows. First, the scholars of the past dynasties interpreted this remark from three respects, the position relativity, the educational theory between the teacher and the student and the way for divination. Besides the saying of ”one thing, one prediction”, others thought that the saying of a maximum of three predictions regarding a single question in Book of Changes existed. Second, based on the analysis of practical instance, before the Han dynasty, in addition to ”one thing, one prediction”, it is also possible to predict multiple times for one single thing as well as using two prediction methods, and even a single hexagram can be interpreted by various people. Such situation does not comply with our current understanding of ”one thing, one prediction”. At last, we followed the divination principle of the In dynasty and the Chou dynasty to interpret this remark to the hexagram and proposed that such rhetoric does not involve the thinking of divination ineffectiveness under two or three times of prediction. The reasonable explanation is that one shall keep an earnest mind for divination. If there is any insincerity, the prediction would become ineffective.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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