


Research on A study on Identify the era period and the Motivation of the Creation of the Ancient Folksong "Song of the Slingshot" also the Factors Reasons of Being Pass-down Spred Through an Artifact Study on the Chinese Slingshot


陳紹慈(Shau-Tzu Chen)


上古歌謠 ; 文物 ; 〈彈歌〉 ; 彈弓 ; the Ancient Folksong ; "the products of a culture" ; "Song of the Slingshot" ; Slingshot




29期(2014 / 12 / 01)


133 - 166






In the past decades although there are many scholars did their research on the ancient folksong "Song of the Slingshot", from various angles such as literature history, philology, edition study and music history. The research method they used was, however, predominantly literature research only. The material evidences provided by / embedded within archaeological or pass-down artifacts are rarely been drawn on. This article is therefore, using the results of the relevant archaeological researches, looking into the origin and the development of the artifact "Chinese slingshot". This article also drawn on a research paper "Studying the Shooting Etiquette and Rite in Shang Dynasty Based on the Chronological Record of the H3 Oracle Bones of Eastern Locus at Huayuanzhuan in Yin Relic" by Han Jiang-su. Han's research revealed the activities of the "Rite of Shooting" in Shang dynasty. Based on his report, this article is able to assume / conclude that the Rite of Shooting was actually using "slingshot" to issue bullets towards the target. At the same time, the skills of shooting bullets by a slingshot was also the origin of "shooting lessons", one of the six essential subjects of studies in the West Zhou dynasty. This could be one of the reasons that the folksong "The Song of Slingshot" has been spread and passed-down for thousands of years.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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