Hosheng Divertimento "Hsi Te Kung Ming Sui" was From Po Yao Chi Drama last, the plot is the whole family reunion and everyone in pleasure, which was very popular in the Ming and Ching Dynasties. This paper explores the content changing, from Nanchu to Peichu and singing by Kunqu and Hsienso. As the changing track of Hosheng Divertimento, we can explain the opera streaming, tune music and other related issues. The change of Divertimento was from adding 3 Peichu tunes, then following a variety ways of deletion and combination, even fom the plot narrative steering emotional rendering in content. As Nanchu and Peichu have blended, the original Nanchu Divertimento has changed a Nanchu and Peichu Divertimento, and because singing by Nanchu, was regarded as a Peichu Divertimento, and this new model was imitated. This Divertimento has spread in Hsienso and Kunqu, although the lyrics are the same, but there are many differences in melody. The structure of sentences in Hsienso music are different from metrical spectrum in Nanchu and Peichu, therefore the pattern and the music of tunes may not strongly related.