


A Gradual Release of Long-Prepared Energy: Structural features in the script of the staged version of the Pili glove puppet drama Intrigue in Wolf City


吳明德(Ming-Te Wu)


霹靂 ; 布袋戲 ; 狼城疑雲 ; 黃強華 ; 黃文擇 ; Pili ; glove puppet theater ; Intrigue in Wolf City ; Huang Qiang-hua ; Huang Wen-ze




30期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32






Between August 28 and 31, 1998, the Pili glove puppet drama Intrigue in Wolf City saw seven public performances at the National Theater in Taipei. This was the first Pili glove puppet drama to be performed live at the National Theater, and as of date (2014) remains the only one, which goes to show the significance of the event. The decision, made by Huang Qiang-hua and Huang Wen-ze of Pili, to hold a live performance at the National Theater was a declaration that Pili was not confined to video-taped glove puppet performances, where post-production techniques are possible; instead, they had the capacity to hold a one-off live performance without the possibility of retakes. Since Intrigue was a live theater performance, certain restrictions pertaining to the fact must come into play. The script had to take practical restrictions into consideration, putting constraints on fantastic and glitzy elements, which marked a substantial departure from Pili's usual process of studio filming and post-production. This was evident in the following aspects: 1. Opening acrobatics, with a large number of clown-like characters; 2. A multi-layered plot in a linear progression; 3. The elimination of narration, using only dialogue. I will first describes the origins and motives behind Intrigue, and continue with a comparison of the drama with Pili's studio productions. Finally, I will analyze the features of the stage version of this drama and its impact on future productions, to better understand the significance of this production on the development of Pili glove puppet theater.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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