


Analysis of Relationship between Xun Yue and Xunzi Ideology- An Exploration on Calamity Theory and Heaven-Human Relation


段宜廷(Yi-Ting Tuan)


漢魏儒學 ; 荀悅 ; 荀學 ; 災異思想 ; 天人感應 ; Han and Wei Confucianism ; Xun Yue ; Xunism ; Calamity Theory ; Interaction between Heaven and Mankind




30期(2015 / 06 / 01)


169 - 191






As we all know, the thinking atmosphere of people in Han Dynasty and the land incubation of thought, all have a great relation with the "interaction between heaven and mankind", which can be said as the ideology of Western and Eastern Han Dynasties. It is basically covered with a theological atmosphere, and hence, it often has low evaluation in the academic history. Lao Sze Kwang thinks it as the decline of Han's Confucian thought, when people’s mind was extremely empty in the Eastern Han Dynasty, so that they were unable to resist the Buddhism. However, since that, there were still some ideologists who supported Confucianism, such as, Sa Mengwu, proposed "Confucianism of the Xun School" in Han and Wei Dynasties, and Chen Chiyun wrote a book of "Xun Yue and the Medieval Confucianism", where we can know that Xun Yue is one of important figures. That is, Xun Yue has a special status in the transition of Han and Wei Dynasties. Unfortunately, this Confucianism ideologist was not granted enough attention in the trend of complex thoughts. As the 3rd Confucians in late Eastern Han Dynasty and as well as a pioneer of Confucianism in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Xun Yue indeed shows his significance in eras. However, the issues, such as, how he responds to the "interaction between heaven and mankind" thought of Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, how he appeared as Confucianism standpoint in the Han and Wei dynasties, and his theory derived from what essence of Confucian, are new challenging topics for the Confucianism in the Han and Wei Dynasties which they must inevitably face. This paper is based on the exploration of the calamity theory and the relationship between heaven and human, discussing the relationship between Xun Yue and Xunzi Ideology. Therefore, we learn that Xun Yue advocated the Pre-Qin's Confucianism based on Xunzi theory and supported the Confucian spirit under the theological atmosphere of Western and Eastern Han Dynasties.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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