


Lyricism and Realism: Narrative Form and Function in "YingyingZhuan"


廖珮芸(Pei-Yun Liao)


鶯鶯傳 ; 抒情性 ; 現實性 ; 表述形式 ; 表述功能 ; 元稹 ; YingyingZhuan ; lyricism ; realism ; narrative style ; narrative function ; Yuan Chen




30期(2015 / 06 / 01)


69 - 106






According to Zhao Yanwei, a combination of history, poetry, and commentary are the defining characteristics of the chuanqigenre of short stories which originated during the Tang dynasty. Previous studies have discussed the lyricism of Tang chuanqifrom the perspective of poetry, or have discussed the realism of Tang chuanqiwith respect to its subject matter. In this paper I focus on narrative form and function in“YingyingZhuan” to investigate the mores, especially those regarding marriage, of the scholarly class during the middle of the Tang dynasty. The lyricism of“YingyingZhuan” reveals how scholars of the time reflected on their own affective tendencies. More than merely a figure of speech, lyricism serves as a narrative device. Realism is the key element of a narrative form. In its abundant use of amorous imagery, "YingyingZhuan" can be seen as a description of how the Tang dynasty literati viewed conjugal love. In its novel narrative approach, it anticipates romantic lyricism, yet retains a high degree of realism, a paradox of style which reflects the history of the time. Writing during the middle of the Tang dynasty, Yuan Chenuses realism to describe a morality imbued with tensionand tempered by personal character. In his moral deconstruction, Yuan Chen rebelled against of the prevailing mores, and also engaged in a vain, yet earnest, critique of imperial authority. "YingyingZhuan" can be seen as a dialogue which is at the same time both lyrical and realistic, the distinctive narrative function of which is formed through a fusion of literary rhetoric with sociocultural mores. In using such a narrative form to discuss the tribulations of life and the moral and ethical tensions of his time, Yuan Chen presents an alternative interpretation of such literary genres as Zhi-gui, Words and Deeds novels, historiography, narrative poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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