


The Reform of the Studies of the "Hong Fan" under the Tradition of Song Studies: Analysis of Qing Bin's "Commentary on the Hong Fan and the Luoshu"


閻耀棕(Yao-Zong Yan)


卿彬 ; 《洛書洪範解》 ; 洛書 ; 〈洪範〉 ; 宋學 ; 漢宋之爭 ; Qing Bin ; Commentary on the Hong Fan and the Luoshu ; Luoshu ; Hong Fan ; Song studies ; Han-Song Polemic




32期(2016 / 06 / 01)


171 - 206






From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, scholars standing on Song studies, debated with their opponents for up to two hundred years. During the debate, they focused on the studies of Hong Fan from beginning to end. At that time, scholars standing on Song studies must review their theoretical system, then through the studies of Hong Fan, to reform and respond. Therefore, the present study analysis Qing Bin's Commentary on the Hong Fan and the Luoshu, in order to appear the reform of the studies of the Hong Fan under the tradition of Song studies, then give it positioned, to demonstrate its significance in the academic history. Based on the review and integration, there are two main contents of Commentary on the Hong Fan and the Luoshu: according to the Luoshu model explained morality, and comprehended the "nine categories" by a sequence of "five elements". These two contents are derived from the concept of order. Qing Bin imported the concept of order into the studies of the Hong Fan, to reform the Song studies. Although limited to the traditional of Song studies, Commentary on the Hong Fan and the Luoshu still has some places cannot be justified. But Qing Bin was the first to emphasize the importance of substantive and objective of the order. Undoubtedly, he opened up the new direction for future reform of the Song studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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