


The psychological effect of "learned helplessness" on Mandju So and his composition


潘啟聰(Kai-Chung Poon)


文藝心理學 ; 生活壓力 ; 重度抑鬱症 ; 習得無助感 ; 難言之恫 ; 蘇曼殊 ; emotion ; Learned Helplessness Theory ; Mandju So ; psychological analysis ; Six Novels ; uncontrollable events




32期(2016 / 06 / 01)


91 - 134






Mandju So (1884-1918) born in late Qing period, was a legendary writer. Although he lived a short life, he left us quite a number of great works, e.g. translated compositions, drawings, poems, novels etc. He also left us quite a number of mysteries and fierce academic debates. It is interesting that though Mandju did not lived in ancient China, which makes us hard to investigate, the debates over him never ended. There was a debate about who his father was, once this debate was over, the researchers turned to discuss who his mother was. This happens not only over the topics in the historical studies of Mandju, but also over the analysis of his compositions. It is a noticeable phenomenon to everyone that Mandju always wrote sad stories. However, only a few researchers noticed that Mandju's writing style had got changes. None of them tried to study deeply about the psychological states of Mandju and the relationship between his emotional problems and his compositions. By using the study method of psychology, this article intended to go deep into the analysis that how Mandju's psychological states affected his compositions. In fact, Mandju had got the psychological problem of Major Depression after 1907. Affected by his childhood experience and the traumatic stress caused by knowing who his true mother was, Mandju's writing style had changed drastically to a sad mood. The mechanism behind this change can be explained by Seligman's Learned Helplessness Theory. This article will reveal to you that the characters in Mandju's Six Novels were consistent with such mode of thinking.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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