


On Wang Xizhi's Religious Faith and Devout Activities About Taoism


陳昭坤(Chen Zhao-Kun)


上章首過 ; 王羲之 ; 五斗米道 ; 五石散 ; 服食 ; 黃庭經 ; Wang Xizhi ; Tao Five-Decaliter-Rice ; SangZangXoGauo ; Classic Huang-Ting ; Taking ores for medicine ; Five-Ore Powdery




33期(2016 / 12 / 01)


133 - 158






Wang Xizhi was one of the greatest maestros of calligraphy in Chinese history, and he had been taken shape to be the majestic figure from the East-Tsin Dynasty(AD 317 ~ AD 420) until now. The Great Emperor in the Earlier Tang Dynasty, Lee Shi-Ming, who was respected named Tang Taizong, not only asked the courtiers and his people to offer all Wang Xizhi’s handwriting works but also wrote Wang Xizhi’s biography by the Emperor himself. What the Emperor had done made Wang Xizhi to be the great master of calligraphy and deified Wang Xizhi. But as people knows, Wang Xizhi was a normal human being anyway, he was not a holy person at all. Wang Xizhi was the same with the scholars at Earlier Tang period. Most of the intellectuals were deep involed in the Confucianism and Taoism at that time. Before he sent in his papers to the imperial court, Wang held a memorial ceremony for his passed- away parents to tell them why he resigned. After he quitted his job, he was enthusiastic about Taoism, eternal life, and immortality. Wang was fascinated with Taoism and held many religious activities regularly. Wang Xizhi’s strong religious conviction, narrow-minded loyalty to his hometown, relatives and in-laws that he often contact with will be showned in the study, and further, the readers would know more about Wang Xizhi by the threes below;1. by reading his artical SangZangXoGauo (One writes a literary work to blame oneself and it was always burned to send to the Emperor God), 2.by appreciating his handwriting about Tao Classics, and 3. by looking for ores to take for medicine. May the readers comprehend more about Wang Xizhi after reading the thesis.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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