According to the meaning and back nick, we rearrange this document, and divided it to three part: first part explains seasons' "chi" and correspondingcatastrophes (No.1, 2, 12, 3, 4), then explains dominator's hobby and correspondingcatastrophes (No.5, 6, 7, 8, 11). Second part explains dominator's policy and correspondingcatastrophes (No.9) but its writing form is different from the former. Third part explains "ming tang" and "the rules of use fire" shortly.Then, we use "Han Shu Yi Wen Jr" to analyze "JuTzLiue Yin Yang" and "ShuShuLiue Wu Shing", consider that the first one is related to astronomy, the second is related to catastrophe. Bei Da Han Jian"Yin Yang Jia Yan" involved lots of "Wu Xing" and "catastrophe ", should be part of "ShuShuLiue Wu Shing", and it could be named as "Yin Yang, ShrJengJr Ying".