


Making Self-image in Han Yu's Favor-Seeking Petitions


游勝輝(You Sheng-Hui)


韓愈 ; 唐代 ; 干謁文 ; 自我形象 ; Han Yu ; Tang Dynasty ; Favor-Seeking ; Petition ; Self-image




36期(2018 / 06 / 01)


65 - 94






In Tang Dynasty, there was the social atmosphere that intellectuals always wrote petitions to recommend themselves or request for help. These favor-seeking petitions were arranged for specific readers and purposes, thus they can be researched for what the self-image authors wanted to express in this context. This study takes Han Yu as an example. He was thought to have an important position in the realm of literature and moral. We can find that on the one hand, he expressed the self-image of associating with classical writing and singularity which he was identified as the pioneer of Ancient Literature Movements; on the other hand, he expressed that of his destitute life and requiring other's help. Because of his high statue in the realm of literature and moral and the immoral people he asked for help, later people sometimes criticized this behavior. Based on the context of favor-seeking, this study points out that pride and depression put together would the effect and rationality of his request. Furthermore, in other writings, he denied or felt ashamed of seeking favor; in his favor-seeking petitions, taking advantage of the principle in which noblemen or high official and the common people needed each other, he rationalized his behavior of favor-seeking. Comparing the differences and similarities in his favor-seeking petitions to other writings, we can discover that although there was intention to choosing what the self-image he wanted to express in his favor-seeking petitions, not totally false too. It offers the complexity of the relation between practical prose and its authors.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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