


The Applications of Self Regulated Learning Model in Academic Counseling




林清文(Chin-Wen Lin)


課業學習諮商 ; 自我調整學習 ; 課業學習困擾 ; 自我效能 ; Academic counseling ; Self regrulated academic learning




23期(2002 / 06 / 01)


229 - 275




學習是兒童和青少年的生涯課題(career task)之一;「學生」是多數青少年的主要生涯角色,學習課題往往關涉學生本人的生涯滿意和自尊,也是家長、教師和教育行政主管關切的議題。課業學習諮商無疑是學生輔導工作的重要範疇。惟學校輔導工作者在提供課業學習諮商方面,普通遭遇的主要困境則在於缺乏可用的工作模式。本文試圖回顧自我調整學習的理論及相關實徵研究結果,歸納自我調整課業學習模式,進而依自我調整課業學習模式,提出學生課業學習模式在課業學習諮商上的應用。最後並針對自我調整課業學習模式的諮商應用。 針對文獻探討及案例討論結果,本文積極建議學校輔導工作者針對學生不同程度的各類學課業學習困擾,可援引本文介述的自我調整課業學習模式,切入評估學生的課業學習困擾,提出可行的問題改善策略和諮商計畫,協助學生、家長認識課業學習諮商的必要與可為,擴展學校輔導專業的公共形象。


Academic learning was the primary career task for children and adolescences. Academic achievement was the most important sources of self esteem for students. Help students to accomplish academic learning was the school counselors’ duty. The school counselor needs a working model for academic counseling. The purposes of this article were to review the literatures and empirical study reports in self regulated academic learning, and to discuss its applications in academic counseling. The author advocated the school counselor afford academic counseling based in self regulated learning model, and promote the public image of school counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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