
Conceptualizing Eclectic Counseling






林旖旎(Yii-Nii Lin)


折衷心理諮商 ; 概念性架構 ; Eclectic counseling ; Conceptual framework




23期(2002 / 06 / 01)


277 - 305




本文目的為探討現有文獻中折衷心理諮商三大概念化系統(理論整合、技術折衷、與共通有效因子)(Goldfried & Norcross, 1995; Norcross & Grencaveage, 1989),並提出一新的折衷心理諮商的概念化架構(conceptual framework),企圖針對上述三大折衷心理諮商系統的優缺點,提供一個有效解決及整合的辦法。作者回顧關於理論整合、技術折衷、與共通有效因子的代表性模式,例如多重模式取向(Multimodal Model)(Lazarus, 1976; 1986),精神分析與行為整合模式,(Psychoanalytic-Behavioral Model)(Wachtel, 1977; 1997),和RENPAN模式(Young, 1992)。另外,折衷心理諮商的概念化架構的代表性模式,關係中心諮商模式(Relationship-Centered counseling Model)(Kelly, 1994; 1997),於本文中亦詳加探討。本文所提出的折衷心理諮商概念化架構的理念吻合於折衷心理諮商欲達最大諮商成效(optimal effectiveness)的目標與後設分析整合過程(metal-level integration),並相容於微小理論(mini-theories and micro-level counseling)與多元文化諮商理論(multicultural counseling)的精神。作者最後提出折衷心理諮商概念化架構相關的教育訓練、臨床實務、與未來研究發展議題,以供參考。


The purpose of this is to propose a conceptual framework for integrating three eclectic principal systems aiming to maximize the efficacy of eclectic counseling. Three existing principal conceptual systems of eclectic counseling—technical eclecticism, theoretical integration and common factors (Goldfried & Norcross, 1995; Norcross Grencavage, 1989)—and the representative models—the Multimodal Model (Lazarus, 1976; 1986), Psychoanalytic-Behavioral Model (Wachtel, 1977; 1997), and REPLAN Model (Young, 1992)—are delineated respectively. A resolution of integrating these three eclectic principal systems is proposed and discussed, and an example, the Relationship-Centered Counseling Model (Kelly, 1994; 1997) is elaborated. The notions of this proposed conceptual framework were compatible with the notions of the optimal effectiveness of counseling outcome, the meta-level process of integration, the mini-theories, micro-level counseling, and multicultural counseling. Finally, research, training, and practice implications for counseling professionals are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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