The purpose of this study was to understand what problems drive adult clients to use mental health counseling. Data were collected and analyzed from 195 adult clients who were seeking help of the Center for Community Counseling in NCUE. The major findings were: 1) married adult were of the major clients; 2) the most problems of married adult clients were focused on “child and adolescent”, which problems including academic difficulties, disruptive behavior, interpersonal problems and emotional disturbance, psychiatric, learning problems and aptitude assessment, parent-child conflicts, and sex-victimized rehabilitation counseling; 3) the second most problems of married adult clients were focused on “family and marriage relationship”, including parent-child conflicts, separation and divorce, extra-affairs, and couple communication; 4) unmarried adult clients’ problems were mostly focused on “personal understanding” and “intimate relationships”. Generally, adult clients’ problems were according with their developmental stage and role tasks. Another, psychiatric symptoms of clients’ were multiple, counselors also had to know how to treat them effectively.
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