


Case-Analysis Study of Sequential Dreams




張治遙(Chin-Yao Chang)


夢的解析 ; 解夢 ; 重複夢境 ; 系列夢境 ; dream analysis ; dream interpretation ; recurrent dreams ; sequential dreams




24期(2003 / 06 / 01)


139 - 168




本研究採個案研究的方式,探討個別夢境的意義,以及生命中重要的系列夢境之問的關聯性。接受訪談的個案自行選擇五個生命中記憶深刻、亟想了解探究的夢境,每次探討一個夢境,接受五次的解夢晤談。 研究者透過解夢晤談資料蒐集,解夢的取向兼採完形學派及Clara Hill 的認知─體驗模式。研究結果香現:第一受訪者個別夢境均含有豐富的意函,每一個夢境可以有不只一個層面的詮釋,可以是反映夢境發生當時的現實生活事件,可以是反映生命早期重要的記憶或情緒,也可以是反映自己內在的一個特質。從夢境中可以探索夢者內在狀況及生命中重要的議題。第二,受訪者夢境之問是有關聯性的,不同生命階段的夢境內容雖然有些差異,但基本上仍反映出生命早期經驗與家庭互動關係所模塑出的生命底層核心的、衝突的、未解決的議題,這核心的生命議題成為夢者重要的內在心理動力。透過解夢,可以是有效了解與覺察自己生命核心議題與內在心理動力的方法。最後,研究者針對研究發現提出對未來研究及實務工作方面的建議。


The purposes of this case-study research were to explore the meaning of individual dreams and the relationship between significant sequential dreams in the interviewee’s life. In this study, the interviewee chose five unforgettable and eager-to-probe dreams by herself. Five interview sessions were conducted for the interviewee and one dream was explored during each session. Research data was collected by interviewing and interpreting dreams of interviewee. The approach of dream interpretation was the combination of Gestalt and Cogni-tive-experiential model developed by Clara Hill. The results included : 1.Rich meaning was found in the interviewee’s individual dreams. There could be more than one interpretation level in a dream. These levels included the reflection of current life events, the reflection of significant early memory or emotions, and the reflection of individual characteristics. Through dream interpretation, important life issues and the dreamer’s inner status could be explored. 2. The interviewee’s different dreams were related. Although differences were found in terms of dream content at her different life stages, all of these content reflected the core, conflictive, and unfinished issues that were constructed by early experiences and fam-ily interactive relationship. And these core life issues constituted important inner dynamics of the dreamer. Dream interpretation is an effective way to understand and be aware of core issues and inner psychological dynamics. Suggestions were made based on the results of study for future research and practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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