


The Effects of Solution-Focused Group Counseling on Elementary School Single-Parental Children




林佩郁(Pei-Yu Lin);謝麗紅(Lih-Horng Hsieh)


焦點解決團體諮商 ; 國小單親兒童 ; 家庭關係信念 ; 自我觀念 ; 行為困擾 ; Solution-Focused Group Counseling ; sngle-parental children in elementary school ; children's beliefs about parental divorce ; self-concept ; behavior disturbance & dsorder




24期(2003 / 06 / 01)


73 - 105




本研究之主要目的在探討「焦點解決取向團體諮商」對國小單親兒童於家庭關係信念、自我觀念及行為困擾上之輔導效果,以作為未來國小輔導工作的參考及應用。 本研究採取等組前後測及追蹤測之實驗設計,以彰化市某國小16名五、六年級單親兒童為研究對象,依性別將受試者隨機分派至實驗組與控制組。實驗組成員接受十次的焦點解決取向團體諮商,而控制組則不做任何處理。本研究以「父母及親子關係意見量表」、「兒童自我觀念量表」及「行為困擾量表」測量受試者前、後及追蹤測,在各依變項上的反應情形,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行統計考驗,並依據與實驗組成員及其導師之訪談和領導者之觀察作為研究結果的佐證及輔助。


The major purpose of this research was to explore the strategy of Solution-Focused Group Counseling Program, which was used to examine the combination of the relationship between parents and children, self-conception, and behavior disturbance for single-parental children. This research would be valuable for reference and application for future elementary school counseling affairs. The experimental design of this research consisted of pretest, posttest, and follow-up test. The subjects of this research were 16 fifth and sixth grade students at some elementary school in Changhua. These students were all single-parental children. These students were randomly divided into two groups, i.e. experiment group and control group. Members who were in the experiment group took the lessons of Solution-Focused Group Counseling for ten times; however, the control group members received no treatments. Scale of Relationship Between Parents and Kids, Children’s Self-Concept Scale, and Behavior Disturbance Scale were used to measure the subjects’ results of pretest, posttest, and follow-up test and the interactive conditions of each dependent variable. All the data were analyzed by used of ANCOVA. In addition, the results of interviews with experiment group members and homeroom teachers and observing subjects’ activities were both used as the proofs and supplements of this research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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