


A Study on the Cycles in Drug Use of Drug Abusers




江振亨(Chen-Heng Chiang)


毒品 ; 藥物濫用 ; 循環歷程 ; 敘事訪談 ; cycles of drug using ; drug abuse ; illicit drugs ; narrative interviewing




25期(2003 / 10 / 01)


25 - 62




本研究目的在探索吸毒者用葯循環之歷程。本研究分為兩個階段進行,第一階段採深度敘事訪談法收集四名監獄服刑的吸毒者用葯歷程資料,以紮根理論的開放編碼、主軸編碼、選譯編碼之步驟,對敘事資料分析,以形成用葯循環歷程的初步模式。 第二階段根據這個初步模式擬編用葯循環各階段用葯、斷葯相關因素的自陳問卷,由另一群在監獄服刑的吸毒者十五名及在戒治所戒治的吸毒者十五名填答,以進一步修正用葯循環歷程模式。結果發現:進入用葯行為的循環歷程模式,吸毒者呈現出一個初嘗、持續使用、成癮、重整、再度用葯、持續使用、成癮的循環動態之過程,不過並非每個個案均完全進行循環,在每一個階段中個案有可能隨時因某些因素而中止,但中止並不代表個案即真正戒除毒品,視個案反思、自覺能力的強弱,有無進入深度的痛改而採取行動達到真正的戒除,若無則可能在某些條件的促進下又再度進入吸毒的循環中。


The purpose of this study was to explore the progressive processes on drug using. This study was divided into two stages. In the first stage, the researcher adopted the method on narrative interview to four drug abusers to explore their views on significant events of drug use. In the second stage, the researcher used the method of self-report questionnaire, which was formed from the finding of the first stage, to survey 30 drug abusers in order to formulate the cycles of drug using. The data were analyzed in terms of the procedures, which were explicated by The Grounded Theory in the first stage and The Phenomenology in the second stage. The findings of this study were as follow: (1) The model of drug using was dynamic cycles, including initial drug using, continued using, addiction, reintegration, relapse, re-continued using and re-addiction to drugs. But not all cases entered into this cycle. (2) Some drug abusers may stop using drug because of some reasons, but it was hard to confirm that they didn’t reenter this cycle again.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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