


Establishing a Cooperative Counseling Framework for Working with University Campus Students




趙祥和(Siang-Hua Tey);陳秉華(Ping-Hwa Chen)


合作輔導個案 ; 大學輔導教師 ; 華人文化 ; 社會取向 ; cooperative counseling framework ; counseling university campus student ; Chinese culture ; Social-Orientation.




26卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


17 - 36






The main purpose of this paper is to develop a cooperative counseling framework in counseling campus college students. On the basis of the literature review and practical working experiences, the authors describe the role, status, and obligations of counselors in university. The authors point out the importance of the establishment of a cooperative counseling framework and analyze the difficulties of practicing the cooperative counseling framework resulted from Chinese social-oriented culture and the university organizational culture. Counselors in university face a number of difficulties, including unequal working relationship, multiple and conflicting roles, and discrepancy between professional role and perception in reality, all these difficulties affect the goals and strategies used in the cooperative counseling works. To establish and implement the cooperative counseling framework, counselor needs to deal with the dual roles of being a professional counselor and a teacher in the relationship with counseled student. Counselor needs to settle the discrepancies between psychological and moral perspectives in understanding and counseling student's problem that are held by people involved in the cooperative counseling work. Counselor also needs to deal with the counseling goal of helping student's personal growth and the educational goal of helping student's adjust into social environment in university. Based on the above analysis, the authors propose the principles and methods of conducting the cooperative counseling framework in university. The principles and methods include understanding and respecting the differences among those involved in the student counseling work, recognition of the importance of keeping social harmony in Chinese culture, harmonizing and integrating the differences of perceptions and role expectations within counselors and between counselors and others. The authors call the need to take the cultural considerations into establishing the cooperative counseling framework so that the student counseling works can be more effective in the university setting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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