


Theatrical-based Acrobatics




蔡欣欣(Shin-Shini Tsai)


戲曲特技 ; 中國戲曲 ; 雜技 ; 目連戲 ; 百戲競陳 ; theatrical-based acrobatics ; Chinese Opera ; vaudeville ; Mother-saving ; the alignment of hundred of plays




10期(2005 / 01 / 01)


27 - 47






In their long history of stage performance and saturation in histrionic works, performers have in the course created and developed various manners of theatrical sedimentation and regulation for the generation of theatrical acrobatics inducted from this tradition of stage vaudeville as a means of inducement for the audience. These specialized acrobatic manners are usually difficult, highly technical ways of performances bordering on the spectacular. They often employ the body movement of the head and the limbs, the exaggerated expressions of the visage, combined with specially designed raiment and other props [such as chairs, ladders, sticks and ropes] and stage sound and light effects to live up to the ideal that the drama and the crafts are one and should never part.' For the joint effort of these manners have been conducive to the modeling of characters, the forming of roles, the deepening of theatrical dynamics, the brewing of stage atmosphere, the phasing of plots and subheadings, to even become the focal points of attention in a drama or further turning to be a specific feat' of a certain actor, and eventually rendering the drama into a style apropos of this particular endeavor and become a pivotal attraction. This article tries to explore the application of acrobatics in various traditional plays such as Meddling with the Heavenly Palace', the Sky Cloud Nine', a Chicken Stolen and the Shift of Time', the Cup of Nine Dragon', Suspended Three Times', and Head Lamps' with mentioning of its relation to vaudeville and its multi-faceted forms of performances.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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