


A Theoretical Analysis of Du Fu's Poetry




徐國能(Guo-Neng Xu)


杜甫 ; 文學理論 ; 興 ; 神 ; 雄渾 ; Du Fu ; Literature Criticism ; stirring excitement ; divinity ; potent & undifferentiated




15期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32






Du Fu has proposed many theory of poetry in his poems. This article aims to probe into the background and connotation of those theories, as well as their development and influence on later generations.To Du Fu, poetry was a means of representing the passing down of family wisdom, the glory of a career, and the ultimate meaning of life. Because of this, it can be confidently surmised that the poet had a serious attitude towards the creation of poetry and devoted himself to a study of poetry's inner nature. Among Du Fu's more than 1400 poems, over 100 deal with poetical theory or criticism of other poets. Regardless of whether style or quantity is being used as a basis for comparison, no other poet of the Tang Dynasty comes close to this achievement. We can integrate these many scattered theories to discover that Du Fu used his own creative experience as a starting point to form a complete theory of creation He assumed deep depressed as his inner accomplishments, began his poems with affecting images, and represented poems by rules. He believed that an expression of divinity was the highest state of poetry, and regarded potency as a poem's highest style. Du Fu's poetry theory mingled the lyrical tradition of the Han-Wei period with the formalism of the Qi Liang Dynasty, which was full of the shades of golden mean and rationalism. His theory not only affected the form of later poems, but also had a great influence on later poetry theory by placing considerable importance on valuing knowledge, and following the work of previous generations, as well as pursuing the spirit of art and advocating a vigorous consciousness. In the history of Chinese classic literature, we should regard Du Fu as occupying the pivotal position in the progression from the middle to near ancient times.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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