


Liu Hsieh's Concept of Fiction as a Genre Exemplified by "The Theory of Genres" in "Wen Hsin Tiao Lung"




簡翠貞(Tsui-Chen Chien)


文學 ; 文體 ; 文 ; 筆 ; 小說 ; 虛構 ; literature ; genre ; rhyming poesy ; non-rhyming prose ; fiction ; fictitious




17期(2011 / 12 / 01)


85 - 121




The distinguishing feature of Liu Hsieh's ”The Theory of Genres” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung” (The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons) is to include articles with and without rhymes in the literary field. At this rate, the classics, histories and biographies are all literary works. It provides immense space for the development of later fiction. Thus successors can absorb nutrition from the classics, histories and biographies to proceed with fiction-writing.In Liu Hsieh's ”The Origin of Literature”, he allocates two chapters, ”Rectifying Latitude” and ”Distinguishing Lisao”, to compliment the fantastic imagination of books on divination and to affirm the figures of speech in Chu Yuan's ”Lisao”. In various chapters of ”The Theory of Genres”, embellishment of certain histories and biographies, exaggeration of the thinkers' prose, and elegance of the poetic works are affirmed from the perspective of literature. The aforementioned factors happen to be the characteristics of literary fiction.Fiction as a genre was established in the Han dynasty by Ban Gu. It was listed along with the thinkers' prose. At that time, it was not combined with the nonexistent contents of literary fiction. But early in the Pre-Qin dynasty, mythology, fable, legend, story and the description of some fictitious elements and details in ”Zuo Zhuan” had contained the emerging factors of fiction.”The Theory of Styles” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung” includes a genre called ”Burlesque” which the author Liu Hsieh compares to fiction author as the latter is classified in ”the nine schools and ten professionals”. It has the concept of genre distinction and analysis. A variety of chapters in ”The Theory of Genres”, such as ”Argumentation”, ”Historical Biographies”, ”Thinkers' Prose”, ”Interpretive Poesy”, ”Essay” and ”Burlesque”, all refer to the attribution of literary fiction. From the pro-classic stance, Liu Hsieh criticizes innovation, absurdity, exaggeration and elegance as they do not conform to the classic genres. Nevertheless, he endorses their artistic achievement from the literary perspective.This article aims to illustrate the exclusive knowledge of ”Rectifying Latitude” and ”Distinguishing Lisao” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung”. It also elaborates on the fiction-related imagination, exaggeration, absurdity and elegance in ”Argumentation”, ”Historical Biographies”, ”Thinkers' Prose”, ”Interpretive Poesy”, ”Essay” and ”Burlesque” in ”The Theory of Genres” so as to demonstrate Liu Hsieh's excellent vision which compromises the past and the present. He was indeed an outstanding literary thinker. In the early 20th century, fiction, after having been cultivated for a long period of time finally, in the sense of pure literature, reached the state in which the name and the reality of fiction were in complete accord.


The distinguishing feature of Liu Hsieh's ”The Theory of Genres” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung” (The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons) is to include articles with and without rhymes in the literary field. At this rate, the classics, histories and biographies are all literary works. It provides immense space for the development of later fiction. Thus successors can absorb nutrition from the classics, histories and biographies to proceed with fiction-writing.In Liu Hsieh's ”The Origin of Literature”, he allocates two chapters, ”Rectifying Latitude” and ”Distinguishing Lisao”, to compliment the fantastic imagination of books on divination and to affirm the figures of speech in Chu Yuan's ”Lisao”. In various chapters of ”The Theory of Genres”, embellishment of certain histories and biographies, exaggeration of the thinkers' prose, and elegance of the poetic works are affirmed from the perspective of literature. The aforementioned factors happen to be the characteristics of literary fiction.Fiction as a genre was established in the Han dynasty by Ban Gu. It was listed along with the thinkers' prose. At that time, it was not combined with the nonexistent contents of literary fiction. But early in the Pre-Qin dynasty, mythology, fable, legend, story and the description of some fictitious elements and details in ”Zuo Zhuan” had contained the emerging factors of fiction.”The Theory of Styles” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung” includes a genre called ”Burlesque” which the author Liu Hsieh compares to fiction author as the latter is classified in ”the nine schools and ten professionals”. It has the concept of genre distinction and analysis. A variety of chapters in ”The Theory of Genres”, such as ”Argumentation”, ”Historical Biographies”, ”Thinkers' Prose”, ”Interpretive Poesy”, ”Essay” and ”Burlesque”, all refer to the attribution of literary fiction. From the pro-classic stance, Liu Hsieh criticizes innovation, absurdity, exaggeration and elegance as they do not conform to the classic genres. Nevertheless, he endorses their artistic achievement from the literary perspective.This article aims to illustrate the exclusive knowledge of ”Rectifying Latitude” and ”Distinguishing Lisao” in ”Wen Hsin Tiao Lung”. It also elaborates on the fiction-related imagination, exaggeration, absurdity and elegance in ”Argumentation”, ”Historical Biographies”, ”Thinkers' Prose”, ”Interpretive Poesy”, ”Essay” and ”Burlesque” in ”The Theory of Genres” so as to demonstrate Liu Hsieh's excellent vision which compromises the past and the present. He was indeed an outstanding literary thinker. In the early 20th century, fiction, after having been cultivated for a long period of time finally, in the sense of pure literature, reached the state in which the name and the reality of fiction were in complete accord.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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