


An Educational Program for Parents of Mentally Retarded Students in an Elementary School




劉城晃(Cheng-Hung Liu);陳靜江(Ching-Chiang Chen)




16期(2002 / 09 / 01)


105 - 140




研究者以高雄市國小啟智班的六位家長為對象,用自編之「親職教育需求調查表」進行個別調查與訪談,深入了解其需求之內容和方式,據此發展擬訂個別化親職教育服務計劃,並進行十三週的親職教育方案,最後評估其成效。 在親職教育方案的發展方面,經由調查與訪談,發現六位家長共同的親職教育需求內容包括:學校提供諮詢服務(社會資源方面);瞭解政府的社會福利殘障政策(相關法令方面);瞭解孩子未來升學、就業與向家長說明孩子狀況及瞭解較有幫助的課程(特殊教育方面);學習協助孩子清楚表達意見及與人溝通、學習協助孩子增進認知學習能力(教養技能方面)。 親職教育主要的成效,活動實施方式方面,對辦理小團體活動的方式、日期、時間及主題內容,家長均予正面肯定;個別晤談和電話聯繫家長均樂意接受;家長也肯定教養技能聯絡單的功能。家長參與方案之成效方面,以F家長的成效最顯著,其他依序B家長、C家長、E家長、A家長及D家長。活動實施內容方面,成效以社會資源最優,其次依序為特殊教育、家長諮商、相關法令及教養技能。 此外,班級老師建議多辦活動少用文字資料,教養技能聯絡單太頻繁,可增加辦理親子活動。


The purposes of this study were to develop the individualized parent education programsfor six parents of students with mental retardation in an elementary school, and evaluate the effects of the programs. The individual parent's needs were investigated, and a thirteen-week parents' education initiative has been undergone to finalize the effects of the evaluation. The major finding of the study were as follows: The parents' education needs mainly included: the counseling services (in terms ofsocial resources);understanding of the government's policies on social welfare and disabilities (in terms of related rules and laws); understanding of children's educational placement and career planning, as well as the current curriculum (in terms of special education); learning to help children communicate with others, and elevate their cognitive learning (in terms of skills in working with children). Beside, two parents needed helps from other professionals (in terms of social resources). One parent hoped to monitor the teaching in the class. No parent checked the item of ”Helping children take care of themselves”, while only one checked the item ”Helping children with self-management” (interms of skills in working with children). In addition, parent C was faced with financial problems, parent E had another child quitting classes frequently, and parent F strongly concerned about the educational placement in the future. As for scheduling the parents' education activities, there is no common time for parents, and the time for the activities must be therefore The Counseling Office laid out the guidelines for the parents' education program, and made schedules for coordination meeting. The class teachers carried out the program, prepared relevan written materials, and explained the information. Subject to adjustment arising from the changing needs of parents, objectives and content should becreated for the individual service plan in compliance with the needs. The carrying out of the program was realized as four small-group activities, two occurrences of individual service as well as the supply of written information. Coordination of other social services, and arrangement of the site visits were also included in the program. made certain in advance. Parents need diversified practice types. Among four small-group activities, there was only one parent participating all activities, three for three, one for two, and one for one of them. Individual counseling had been dispensed three and four times respectively for three parents. Telephone contacts hadbeen actively made by researcher eight to seventeen times. Every parent received newsletters and communication sheets concerning the information needed. Parents had positive responses to the ways, dates timing, and themes of thesmall-group activities. Parents also perceived individual interviews, telephone contactsand written communication positively. The class teachers' evaluation and suggestion for the program were also discussed in the study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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