


The Analysis of the Functional Language Diagnostic Test Results




林千惠(Chien-Hui Lin);林惠芬(Hui-Fen Lin)


實用語文 ; 能力診斷 ; 測驗編製 ; Functional Language ; diagnostic testing




17期(2003 / 09 / 01)


121 - 146




啓智教育語文教學的重點在於教導學生具備生活化與實用性的表達及理解能力,此即為「實用語文」领域的精神與內涵。藉由教師客觀且正確地偵測智能障礙學生的語文能力,並配合評量結果發展具體有效的教學計畫,正是今日啓智教育語文教學的重要工作。「實用語文能力診斷測驗」便是因應上述的需求而發展的一套適用於國中及高中階段的輕度、中度智能障礙學生的實用語文能力診斷測驗。本測驗共分成「聽覺理解」、「口語表達」、「閱读理解」、及「寫作」等四個分測驗,並再依試題的難易度區分為「基礎版」及「進階版」二個版本,方便施測者依據學生的語文起點能力参酌使用單一版本進行施測。 本測驗的效度資料包括內容效度與構念效度:內容效度係由八位專家學者以雙向細目分析方式確定試題範疇的廣度與深度;構念效度則依據因素分析結果呈現本測驗中四個分測驗的變異數解釋量(基礎版為43.79%,進階版45.19%)。就信度資料而言,本研究以重測、內部一致性、評分者一致性等方式進行分析:基礎版和進階版的重測信度值分別為.93和.94,內部一致性為.73和.81;書寫分測驗的評分者一致性值為1.00。此外,從不同背景變項的差異分析結果顯示,不論是基礎版、進階版或全量表的得分,一般生的得分顯著優於智障生;在智障程度方面,輕度智障生之得分顯著優於中度智障生;就不同年段而言,高中階段智障生之得分顯著優於國中階段者;至於性別方面,則男性智障生在聽覺理解平均得分高於女性,女性智障生則在基礎版的書寫分測驗得分高於男性,其餘各分測驗得分則並無顯著差異。


The purpose of this study is to develop the Functional Language Diagnostic Test (FLDT) in order to better understand the functional language ability of students with mental retardation in junior and senior high school levels. The FLDT is a battery of four subtests which measures functional language skills including listening comprehension, oral expression, reading compression and writing. Based on the difficult level of test items, the FLDT has Basic and Advanced versions separately. The content validity of FLDT is established by inviting eight experts to evaluate the test contents in accordance with functional language domains. The construct validity of the FLDT is investigated by factor analysis and by comparing the differences in term of gender, grade and severity of retardation. The results of factor analysis indicates that the Basic and Advanced versions has accounted for 43.79% and 45.19% variations, separately. The FLDT also has adequate reliability, in which the internal reliability of Basic version is .73 and .81; for Advanced version is .93 and .94.The inter-rater reliability for writing subtest is 1.00.The results of ANOVA indicate that students with mild mental retardation have higher scores in FLDT subtests and composites than the students with moderate retardation. Students in senior high school level have higher scores than those in junior high school

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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