


To Investigate Multiple Intelligence and Academic Performance between Aborigine Students and Non Aborigine with Handicaps Students




張英鵬(Ying-Peng Chang)


原住民 ; 身心障礙學童 ; 多元智能 ; 學習情形 ; aborigine ; multiple intelligence ; academic performance ; learning disabilities




17期(2003 / 09 / 01)


193 - 221




本研究旨在調查全省原住民與非原住民身心障礙學童多元智能情形,並比較不同背景、不同障礙情形之差異,建立以原住民為主體之多元智能資料,應可供教師應用之參考。在研究中,由研究者自編「學生多元智能檢核表」、「兒童多元智能自我評估表」、「身心障礙學童學習情形調查表」,以供調查使用之工具。主要發現如下: (一)家長及老師檢核之原住民不同背景身心障礙學生多元智能分析 1.不同障礙類別間在八項智能方面皆達顯著差異。整體而言,學習障礙生及視覺障礙生顯著高於智能障礙生及多重障礙生。 2.國小學生在邏輯數學、視覺空間、肢體動覺、音樂節奏、內省、自然觀察,整體檢核方面皆顯著高於國中學生。 3.女生在語文智能顯著高於男生 4.族別間及檢核者間在八個智能能力皆無顯著差異 (二)學童檢核之原住民不同背景身心障礙學生多元智能分析 1.不同障礙類別間僅音樂智能未達顯著差異,其餘皆達顯著差異。多重障礙生各智能多受障礙限制,學習障礙生則較佳。 2.族別間及階段間皆未達顯著差異。 3.女生在音樂節奏表現顯著高於男生 (三)家長及老師檢核之非原住民不同背景身心障礙學生多元智能分析 1.不同障礙類別間在八項智能方面皆達顯著差異。在整體能力方面學習障礙生及聽覺障礙生顯著高於智能障礙生及多重障礙生。 2.家長的音樂檢核分數顯著高於特教老師;男生在肢體動覺方面顯著高於女生。 3.國小和國中學生皆無顯著差異。 (四)學童檢核之非原住民不同背景身心障礙學生多元智能分析 1.聽覺障礙生在邏輯數學、視覺空間方面顯著高於智能障礙生及多重障礙生。2.國中學生在邏輯數學及人際智能方面皆顯著高於國小學生。 3.女生在音樂節奏表現顯著高於男生。 (五)家長及老師檢核之原住民與非住民身心障礙學生多元智能分析,發現非原住民身心障礙學生在語文、邏輯數學及內省智能方面表現顯著高於原住民身心障礙學生。 (六)學童檢核之原住民與非原住民身心障礙學生多元智能分析,發現原住民身心障礙學生在肢體動覺方面顯著高於非原住民身心障礙學生。 (七)原住民與非原住民身心障礙學生學習情形分析,發現非原住民身心障礙學童接受之相關服務、參加鑑定會議人數、提供IEP較多。同時非原住民身心障礙學童在上課出席及生活適應方面亦較佳於原住民身心障礙學童,在學習表現方面甚且達顯著差異。


The purpose of this research was to investigate multiple intelligence and academic performance between aborigine students and non aborigine with handicaps students based on a variety of data collection. The instruments consisted of ”Parental Checklist of Multiple Intelligence”, ”Teacher Checklist of Mulitple Intelligence”, ”Child Checklist of Multiple Intelligence” and ”Teacher Checklist for Academic Performance of Handicapped Student” written by Chang,Ying-Peng. 220 students participated this study. The results were indicated as follows: (A)”Parental Checklist of Multiple Intelligence” and ”Teacher Checklist of Mulitple Intelligence” 1.Students with learning disabilities and visual impairment had significant higher scores in eight types of intelligences than mental retardation and multiple disabilities students. 2.There was no significant difference in eight types of intelligences between aborigine students. 3.There was a significant difference in linguistic, spatial, body-kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence of elementary and secondary school students. 4.Girls had higher scores in linguistic than boys. 5.There was no significant difference in eight types of intelligences between inter-scorer. (B) Checklist of Mulitple Intelligence for aborigine students 1.Students with learning disabilities had higher scores in linguistic, spatial, logic-mathematics, intrapersonal, bodily kinesthetic, and naturalist intelligence than students with multiple disabilities. 2.There was no significant difference between aborigine students in eight types of intelligences. 3.There was no significant difference between elementary and secondary school students. 4.Girls had higher scores in musical intelligence than boys. (C)”Parental Checklist of Multiple Intelligence” and ”Teachers Checklist of Multiple Intelligence for Non-Aborigine Students” 1.Students with learning disabilities and hearing impairment in linguistic, spatial, musical and logic-mathematics intelligence was indicated a significant difference than mental retardation and multiple disabilities students. 2.There was no significant difference in eight types of intelligences for the elementary and secondary school students. 3.Parents rating scores in musical rhythm was obviously higher than special education teachers. 4.Boys had higher scores in bodily kinesthetic than girls. (D)Checklist of Mulitple Intelligence for Non-Aborigine Students 1.Students with hearing impairment had higher scores at spatial, logic-mathematics than students with mental retardation and multiple disabilities. 2.Students with secondary school had higher scores at interpersontal, logic-mathematics than students with elementary. 3.Girls had higher scores in musical intelligence than boys. (E)Non aborigine with handicaps students had higher scores in logic-mathematics, linguistic intelligence and intrapersonal than aborigine students with handicaps. (F)Aborigine handicapped students had higher scores in bodily kinesthetic than non aborigine with handicaps students. (G)There was a significant difference in attendance, academic performance, and living adjustment when compared to non aborigine with handicaps students and aborigine handicapped students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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